Author Archives: CJ Radin


Violent clashes continued across the country despite the presence of 250 UN observers. A group of Lebanese Shia Muslims, kidnapped in Syria, was released three days after the group was abducted by Syrian rebels.


Egypt’s ultraconservatives look to presidential vote as chance to plant seeds for Islamic path


A suicide car bomb exploded at a police checkpoint, killing at least one policeman. Kurdish rebels, fighting for autonomy in southeastern Turkey, are suspected.


Early returns from the presidential elections indicate the Muslim Brotherhood candidate and the former prime minister in the Mubarak administration received the most votes. Since neither received more that 50% of the votes, a runoff will decide the winner.


Talks between Iran and the six powers over Iran’s nuclear program continued for a second day. No agreement was reached as Iran insisted on its right to continue uranium enrichment and Western nations refused to roll back sanctions. Further talks were scheduled for mid-June.


Turkey said Syria was allowing Kurdish rebels to set up bases on its territory. Turkish security forces foiled a Syrian plot to kidnap a Syrian rebel commander.


Presidential elections continued for a second day. An expert judged the elections were fair. The Muslim Brotherhood claimed an early lead.


A conference in Baghdad began between Iran and the six powers over Iran’s nuclear program. Both sides put forward proposals addressing allegations that Iran was trying to manufacture nuclear weapons. Israel’s defense minister warned against giving concessions.


Egypt presidential face-off: Islamists vs. ‘regime remnants’


Egyptians voted in their first free presidential elections. Candidates include Islamists, secularists, revolutionaries, and Mubarak-era ministers.

Unusually good forecast for Iran nuclear talks

Iran Nuclear Crisis: What’s On The Table At The Baghdad Talks?


Iran propping up Syria’s dwindling cash reserves


Syrian rebels kidnapped at least 11 Lebanese men in Aleppo province. The leader of Lebanon’s Shiite militant group Hezbollah appealed for calm after protests over the kidnapping broke out in Beirut. The UN Secretary General said Syria was at a “pivotal moment” and that he remained concerned about an all-out civil war.


The head of the UN’s nuclear agency held talks in Tehran over Iran’s nuclear program ahead of a six powers meeting scheduled for Wednesday. While the talks were described as “useful,” no substantive agreements were reached.


The US ambassador to NATO said the alliance had no plans for military intervention in Syria. However, NATO, along with its European and Arab partners, is providing assistance to the Syrian opposition, including political and diplomatic support. US President Obama said that Syrian president Assad must leave power.


The conflict in Syria continued to spill over into Lebanon. An anti-Syrian cleric was killed, prompting protests in Beirut. Two people were killed and 18 injured in street battles between rival Syrian groups in Beirut.


Syrian Unrest Prompts Gun Battles in Lebanon


A powerful car bomb killed nine people in the city of Deir al-Zour. Syrian government forces fired on protesters in Aleppo. Shelling by government forces killed 34 in Hama.


UK may keep troops in Afghanistan post-2014 to fight terrorism


China strengthens military, Pentagon report says


The UN’s nuclear monitoring agency said its Director General would visit Iran on Sunday, indicating progress has been made in negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program. Iranian oil production has dropped 12% due to international economic sanctions. A further drop is expected by July when additional sanctions will take effect.


A diplomatic row has developed over a proposed union between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Iran denounced the proposal while Bahrain warned Iran against meddling in its internal affairs. Iranians and Bahraini Shiites rallied against the proposal.


With state weak, Libyans look to God for help

North Korea

North Korea resumed construction on a nuclear reactor. The reactor would have the capacity to produce fuel for nuclear weapons. China pressured North Korea to abandon its efforts for a third nuclear test.


Government forces opened fire on a crowd in the town of Khan Sheikhoun, killing at least 21 people. In Homs, 15 civilians appear to have been summarily executed by government forces. President Assad denounced the opposition as a gang of “criminals” and said countries that “sow chaos” in Syria could suffer from it themselves.


Opposition and government forces fought in the city of Rastan. A jihadist group denied responsibility for two bombs that killed 55 in the city of Damascus last week.