Author Archives: CJ Radin


Iran rallies to aid of Iraq’s embattled leader


Rebels killed over 80 army soldiers over the weekend. The rebels had issued an ultimatum for Friday saying they would no longer abide by the UN peace plan if the government didn’t implement the agreement. Government forces shelled the town of Idlib, killing 15. Rebels formed a new ruling coalition, the Syrian Rebels Front.


Militia fighters took control of Tripoli’s international airport and demanded the release of their leader. A Libyan court jailed 24 men from the former Soviet Union on charges of being mercenaries in the former Gaddafi regime.


For a second day, thousands protested in Cairo and other cities over a court’s decision to sentence former President Mubarak to life in prison and acquit six police commanders. Prosecutors said they would appeal the decision.


In an escalation of the war of words, a senior Iranian military commander warned the US not to resort to military force as US bases in the region were vulnerable to Iranian missiles. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, threatened a “lightning response” to any Israeli attack and accused the West of telling “lies” to […]


President Assad denied responsibility for the Houla massacre and said the violence in Syria was caused by foreign forces. He compared his actions to that of a doctor performing emergency surgery.


As sectarian fighting from Syria spilled into Lebanon, the Lebanese army sent troops and armored vehicles to the city of Tripoli. The Lebanese prime minister instructed security forces to use an “iron fist” to quell the violence there.


UN envoy Kofi Annan warned that Syria was slipping into an “all-out, sectarian war.” Russia blocked efforts for tougher UN sanctions. The US published satellite images showing evidence of mass graves following the massacre in the town of Houla.


Fighting erupted between pro and anti Syrian factions in the northern city of Tripoli. Seven people were killed and 22 wounded.


An Egyptian court sentenced former president Mubarak to life in prison for complicity in the deaths of more than 800 during protests that brought down his government. Protests erupted as many thought the sentence was too lenient.


A Palestinian gunman crossed into Israel and killed an Israeli soldier before being killed himself. Israel retaliated with a missile attack into southern Gaza, wounding three.


Eleven workers were killed in a state factory, the second execution-type shooting this week. The UN Human Rights Council voted for an international inquiry into the killing of 108 people in the town of Houla. US Secretary of State Clinton accused Russia of contributing to a Syrian civil war.


The UN nuclear inspection agency showed satellite imagery indicating that Iran was attempting to clean up a possible nuclear weapons site. UN inspectors had previously requested access to the site but had been denied.


The rebel Free Syrian Army issued an ultimatum: if the government does not implement the UN peace plan by Friday, the FSA will no longer abide by the plan. UN envoy Annan left Syria without an agreement from the Assad regime. The US ambassador to the UN predicted failure of the plan, which would lead […]


Egyptian voters will choose from polar opposites in presidential runoff


Azerbaijani security forces arrested 40 suspects and seized weapons, thwarting a series of planned terrorist attacks against the Eurovision Song Contest. Targets included the contest venue and major hotels.


Following the killing of 108 people in the town of Houla, Russia and China reaffirmed their support for the Syrian government. Russia said it was against intervention. China decided not to expel Syrian diplomats and urged support for the Annan peace plan. The US and France ruled out military intervention.


More than a dozen states, including the US, expelled senior Syrian diplomats. The expulsions came in reaction to the killing of 108 people by pro-government forces in the Syrian village of Houla. Russia did not support the move, saying both sides in the conflict were to blame.

Iran has enough uranium for 5 bombs: expert


Iran’s oil terminals were hit by a new computer virus. Iran said it planned to build a new nuclear power plant.


The UN Security Council condemned Syrian government forces for artillery and tank shelling of residential areas in Houla. Russia’s foreign minister said that “both sides” in Syria’s conflict were responsible for the massacre.


Brotherhood’s success in Egypt polls masks setback


Bahrain sentenced six people to 15 years in prison for plotting with Iran to stage attacks within the country. Targets included the Interior Ministry, the Saudi embassy, and a causeway linking the island to Saudi Arabia.


Egypt’s electoral committee announced the result of last week’s presidential elections. There will be a runoff between a Muslim Brotherhood candidate and a candidate from the former Mubarak regime.


US Seeks Russia’s Help in Removing Assad in Syria


The UN’s nuclear inspection agency found evidence Iran had enriched uranium to a higher level than previously suspected. Following talks that failed to reach an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, the EU said it would go ahead with a planned embargo on imports of Iranian oil starting in July.