Author Archives: CJ Radin


What’s key to know on Egypt’s new political drama after court rulings on elections, parliament


Ruling that the parliamentary election was unconstitutional, Egypt’s supreme court ordered the dissolution of the parliament. The Muslim Brotherhood called the ruling a “coup” by the military.


The US accused Russia of arming the Assad regime. Russia defended its arms sales and accused the US of arming rebels. Saudi Arabia and Qatar supplied weapons to rebel forces. The Syrian army continued toattack the town of Haffa with helicopters and tanks as rebel forces withdrew.

Iran nuclear talks are on, but both sides frustrated, say diplomats


Syrian government forces appeared to be preparing another massacre, in the town of Haffa. UN observers attempting to reach the town were fired upon. Rebel forces tried to smuggle civilians out of the town. A UN report said the Syrian government was using children as human shields.


Angered by an art exhibition they say insulted Muslims, Salafi Islamists clashed with Tunisian police. The protests spread to a number of districts in the capital of Tunis; 86 people were arrested.


Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri Maliki fights off attempt to push him out of office


Russia’s foreign minister planned to visit Iran to discuss its nuclear program and the situation in Syria. Iran’s oil income plummeted due to economic sanctions and falling oil prices. The US exempted seven countries from sanctions on importing Iranian oil; China and Singapore did not receive an exemption.


Firepower bristles in South China Sea as rivalries harden


Syrian Army helicopter gunships attacked the town of Rastan in northern Syria. Government forces shelled Homs, killing at least 35, and fighting continued in the capital of Damascus. Opposition leaders called for mass defections and a campaign of civil disobedience.

Iran feels sanctions pain as oil income slumps


Syrian Alawites Divided by Assad’s Response to Unrest


US and Pakistan begin to look like enemies as troubled relations continue


Government forces renewed their attack on the city of Homs with artillery bombardments; 35 people were reported killed. Heavy fighting continued around the city of Latakia. Syrian opposition groups picked a new leader.


The crisis in Syria is reopening Lebanon’s old war divisions


The UN’s nuclear inspection agency failed to reach an agreement with Iran over access to sites suspected of being used for testing nuclear weapon components. The failure dims prospects for higher level talks over Iran’s nuclear program scheduled for later this month.


In Its Stance on Syria, Russia Takes Substantial Risks


Syria rebels gaining ground, strength


For the first time, intense fighting erupted in the capital of Damascus. The Syrian army shelled the town of Deraa, killing 17. Homs was also shelled. Russia said it might might back Assad’s departure, but would not support foreign intervention.


After months of deadlock, Islamist and secular political parties reached an agreement on the their roles in writing a new Egyptian constitution. In a victory for the secular parties, the delegate votes would be split 50-50.


UN observers reached the town of Qubair, the site of a reported massacre by pro-government forces. An accompanying journalist described “an appalling scene, a scorched earth policy that left nothing in the village alive.” Another reported signs of “serious violence.” A survivor was interviewed.


Regime-backed militia does Syria’s ‘dirty work,’ analysts say


Iran and Iraq: Battle of the ayatollahs


Pro-government forces killed 78 people, including 40 women and children, in the village of Mazraat al-Qabeer. The killings followed a similar massacre in Houla. For a second day, government forces, struck rebel positions in Latakia province. The Italian foreign minister warned that Syria was at risk of genocide.


A bomb exploded outside a US diplomatic building in the city of Benghazi. The foreign spy chief from the former Gaddafi regime went on trial, the first to do so.


Rebels said they would no longer respect the terms of the UN peace plan. China and Russia agreed to oppose regime change or foreign intervention in Syria. Government troops and pro-regime militiamen seized control of Kfar Zita in Hama province. Fighting broke out in the coastal province of Latakia.


As EU and Russia talk, Syria slides ever closer to civil war