Author Archives: CJ Radin


Government forces staged counterattacks against rebel-held districts of Damascus. Heavy fighting broke out in Aleppo. Rebel forces seized a second of three border crossings between Iraq and Syria. Refugees flooded into Lebanon. The UN Security Council extended its monitor mission for 30 days.


The battle for Syria is a battle for the entire Middle East


CIA joins the hunt for Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons


NATO says it’s winning war against Somali piracy


Another cyber espionage campaign found targeting Iran


Somali pirate kingpins enjoy impunity: U.N. experts


Assad’s brother, the muscle behind the throne


In parliamentary elections, the National Forces Alliance (NFA), a moderate Islamic coalition, won the largest number of seats, 39 out of 80. The Islamic Muslim Brotherhood won 17 seats.


Hillary Clinton: US will use ‘all elements of American power’ to stop Tehran developing nuclear weapons


In Damascus, heavy fighting continued for a third day as government forces deployed tanks and helicopters. A rebel army commander said the fighting was the beginning of their push to take over the capital. A senior defector said Assad will not hesitate to use chemical weapons. Peace negotiations in the UN have deadlocked.


In Afghan village, fears that government can’t provide after Americans leave


Egypt Military Aide Meets Clinton, Then Steps Up Political Feud


Tunisia coalition’s main party opts for ‘moderate’ stance


Iran left to ponder its next move in the Arabian Gulf


In Iran, two opposing pictures of Syria


The head of MI6, Britain’s Secret Service, said Iran was likely to succeed in building a nuclear bomb by 2014. “The Iranians are determinedly going down a path to master all aspects of nuclear weapons; all the technologies they need,” he said.


In Simply Meeting, Egyptian and Saudi Leaders Open New Era


In the worst incident in 16 months, more than 200 people were reported killed by government forces in an assault on a village near Hama. Syria began moving its chemical weapons out of storage. Russian warships set sail for the port of Tartus to protect a merchant ship delivering military equipment.


As Western oil sanctions take effect, Iran began shutting down oil production. Government censors warned Iranian media not to report negative economic news. To counter an Iranian threat to close the Gulf of Hormuz, the US deployed a floating operating base, mine sweepers, and sea drones to the Persian Gulf.


Government troops fired artillery into a rebel-occupied district on the outskirts of Damascus and then attacked with troops and armored vehicles. Syria’s ambassador to Iraq defected to the opposition and called on Syrian soldiers to turn their guns on the Damascus leadership.


Arms deliveries to Syrian rebels delayed


Ex-Republican Guards general reveals dissent within elite Iranian force


Analysis: New Arab Spring triumph eluding Islamists in Libya


Egyptian parliament meets amid power struggle


After discussing a new peace initiative with President Assad, UN envoy Kofi Annan continued to Iran where he said Iran “must be part of the solution.” He also met with Prime Minister Maliki in Iraq. Russia proposed hosting new talks and said it would sell no new weapons to Syria until the situation in the […]


Syria held military exercises to simulate defending the country against outside aggression. The UN envoy said President Assad had agreed to a new framework for ending violence. Russia said it would halt new arms sales to Syria.


Egypt’s newly elected president moved to reinstate Parliament, which had been dissolved by military decree. The Supreme Court ruled against the president’s order. Parliament’s speaker said the chamber would reconvene on Tuesday anyway.