Author Archives: CJ Radin


In Aleppo, heavy fighting continued as government attacks appeared to have stalled. President Assad issued a written statement urging his forces to step up the fight. Rebel forces acquired tanks, heavy weapons, and surfac- to-air missiles. Fighting renewed in Damascus.


Fighting between government and rebel forces continued in Aleppo. Rebels attacked a military court and an air force intelligence headquarters. Turkey reenforced its border with Syria. Jordan prepared for an influx of refugees.


Indian authorities concluded that the Iran’s Revolutionary Guards were responsible for an attack on an Israeli diplomat in New Delhi in February. Supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei said Iran should reduce its reliance on oil exports. Iran warned Arab states not to support Syrian rebels.


Lebanon concerned that Syrian conflict could spill over and upend sectarian balance


Syria’s senior diplomat in London resigned, saying he could no longer represent the Assad regime. In Aleppo, government forces stepped up their attacks, and claimed to have overrun some rebel-held areas; 200,000 refugees have fled the city. Rebels captured a military base.


Afghan truckers a forgotten front in a war growing deadlier by the day


Heavy fighting continued in the city of Aleppo. Rebels repelled the first attacks, however the main government assault has yet to begin. Fighting ended in Damascus.


Report: Iran begins stockpiling 3-month food supply


In Damascus, losing faith in Assad


Government forces began their expected assault on the rebel-held city of Aleppo. Tanks, artillery, and helicopters attacked rebel positions throughout the day. Civilians fled the city, fearing a massacre. Russia blamed international support for the rebels for the bloodshed.


Insight: Cautious on Syria, Obama moves to help rebels


In Aleppo, government and rebel forces prepared for the “mother of all battles” as the US, UK, and France warned of a potential massacre. The former head of the UN monitoring mission said it is just a matter of time before President Assad’s regime falls.


Nervous Iraq keeps its eye on neighbouring Syria


Asharq Al-Awsat talks to [senior Syrian defector] General Manaf Tlass Asharq


Fighting intensified in Aleppo as both the rebels and the government massed their forces around the city. A senior defector from the Assad regime offered to unite opposition factions and provide a road map for the transfer of power. Iran said it would stand by its ally.


Turkey said it would not tolerate an autonomous Kurdish region in northern Syria. The statement came after Kurdish groups began to take control of towns from retreating Syrian government forces.


Defecting general calls for Syrians to start preparing for post-Assad government


Analysis: In Syria crisis, stakes high for Hezbollah


Egypt’s Brotherhood seeks balance on Islamic law


Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei said that economic sanctions would not compel the country to halt its nuclear program. Iran increased the number of uranium enrichment centrifuges in operation. Iran’s nuclear facilities were hit by a computer virus.


Rebel forces in Aleppo prepared for the coming battle as government forces sent armored reinforcements to the city. Rebel forces took control of a police station in central Aleppo. Turkey closed its borders with Syria to commercial traffic.


If all goes well, Somalia soon may have a government


Syria fighting gives neither side decisive edge


Iran general warns ‘hated Arabs’ of reprisals for backing Syrian rebels


Iran hedges its bets on Assad and Syria


Analysis: Iran reformists gird for return to political stage


Syria admitted it had chemical weapons, and said it would not use them on its own people but would use them to repel an external threat. Israel’s Prime Minister said Israel would “have to act” if chemical weapons were acquired by Hezbollah. Government forces retook control of Damascus as rebel forces reverted to guerrilla tactics.


Iran said it broke up two assassination cells responsible for killing Iranian nuclear scientists. Iran added a new batch of enriched uranium to a research reactor in Tehran.


Syria rebels’ gains in Damascus surprise even them


Rebels announced the launch of an offensive to “liberate” the city of Aleppo. Rebel fighters from rural areas converged on the city. Government counterattacks drove rebel forces out of several strongholds in Damascus. So far this month, 2,750 people have been killed in Syria. The US abandoned efforts for a diplomatic solution.