Author Archives: CJ Radin


Growing violence could leave Syria ungovernable


UN observers ended their mission in Syria. Fighting stalemated between government and rebel forces in Aleppo. German and British intelligence services aided Syrian rebels.


Egypt’s government planned to cut the powers of the country’s judicial system. Hamas said it would cooperate with Egypt to restore order in the Sinai peninsula. Hamas arrested members of Salafist groups in Gaza.


Two car bombs exploded in Tripoli, one near a police college and the other close to the interior ministry. Two people were killed and several injured. Officials blamed Gadhafi’s loyalists.


Scenarios For Syria: With Or Without Assad, Chaos Most Likely Outcome


Securing Syria chemical weapons may take tens of thousands of troops


Heavy fighting continued in Damascus and Aleppo. The UN reported a sharp rise in the number of refugees. More than 60 bodies were found in a landfill in a suburb of Damascus.


Hezbollah’s leader warned Israel not to attack Lebanon or Iran, saying it could kill “tens of thousands” of Israelis with precision missiles. Iran’s President Ahmadinejad said there was no place for Israel in a future Middle East.


Lebanon breaks with past in Syrian bomb probe


Sectarian tensions escalated further between Sunnis and Shiites as kidnappings continued. The US and Turkey joined Gulf states in urging their citizens to stay away from the country.

Al Qaeda

Syria rebels ‘to turn to Qaeda if West fails them’


Syria Sends Shocks Through Lebanon, Mideast


Syrian tensions erupted in Lebanon. A Lebanese Shia group kidnapped more than 20 Sunnis in Beirut in retaliation for the kidnapping of one of its members by the Free Syrian Army in Syria. Gulf states urged citizens to leave Lebanon as kidnappings and violence between Shia and Sunnis spread across the country.


An Islamic militant group warned Egypt not to send its army into Sinai to hunt jihadists. Egypt’s new second-in-command of the military has said US troops should leave the Middle East.


Families of Iran’s slain nuclear scientists filed a lawsuit against Israel, the US, and Britain, accusing them of involvement in the assassinations. Iran has said the deaths were part of a covert campaign to sabotage its nuclear program.


At Islamic conference, Egypt’s Morsi calls for regime change in Syria


Israel said a possible war with Iran could last up to 30 days. US Defense Secretary Panetta said he did not believe an Israeli attack on Iran was imminent.


The US confirmed that Iranian “pilgrims” captured by rebels included active duty members of Iran’s Republican Guards. UN investigators concluded government forces were responsible for the massacre of civilians in Houla. Rebels claimed responsibility for a massive bomb blast in Damascus.


What’s it mean that an Islamist rules Egypt?


Syria’s former prime minister, who defected 10 days ago, said the Assad regime was collapsing “morally, financially and militarily.” As government forces concentrated on retaking Aleppo, rebels made gains in the eastern part of the country. Fighters from Libya joined the rebellion.


Syria expected to dominate Islamic summit


President Mohamed Morsi’s firing of military leaders was interpreted as a political strategy. The US said it was not surprised by the reshuffle. Egypt reopened its border with Gaza. An Egyptian court sentenced 14 people to death for an attack on a police station in North Sinai last year.


Egypt’s Morsi ’empowered’ by army shake-up


Israeli’s deputy foreign minister called for the international community to declare that the diplomatic effort to halt Iran’s nuclear program was a failure. He also demanded an ultimatum be issued.


Lebanese officials said they had uncovered a Syrian plot to bomb political and religious leaders in order to incite sectarian violence. Indictments were issued against two Syrian officers.


Rebels claimed to have shot down a jet fighter and captured its pilot. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation suspended Syria’s membership, further isolating the Assad regime.


Turkey alarmed by Kurdish control of northern Syria


The deputy police commander in Homs defected to the rebels. Government troops attacked rebel-held areas across the country. The leader of Syria’s main opposition group called for a no-fly zone.


Egypt’s newly elected president fired a number of military leaders, including the defense minister and army chief of staff, and appointed new leaders. He also suspended a constitutional decree that had given the military authority to govern. Egyptian forces continued their attacks against militants in the Sinai.