Author Archives: CJ Radin


Insight: In Aleppo, jets vs. rifles, as civilians despair


Government forces captured a rebel-held town near the Jordanian border, closing off a refugee route. A battle of attrition continued in the city of Aleppo as neither side made substantial gains. France started providing direct aid to rebels.

Palestinian Territories

In Gaza, six Palestinians were killed in Israeli airstrikes. The airstrikes followed several days of rocket attacks on Israel. Hamas carried out a campaign of arrests against Salafist Jihadist groups.

Analysis: Some Gulf rulers wary of U.S. shifts on Islamists, Iran


Hamas: An Islamist party tries to regain its luster


Free Syrian Army battles surplus of fighters and shortage of guns


In his first foreign policy speech, President Morsi called on Syrian president Assad to step down and warned Iran against interfering in Arab affairs. In the Sinai, the Egyptian army began replacing heavy tanks with lighter armored vehicles, signalling that the operation against Islamic militants had entered a new phase.


An appeals court upheld the convictions of 20 activists convicted of trying to overthrow the government. Leaders in the group were in “intelligence contact” with Iran and its ally Hezbollah.


US nears deal for $1 billion in Egypt debt relief: source


Bamiyan, a once-peaceful corner of Afghanistan, turns deadly


The Assad regime said it would have no dialogue with the opposition until the rebellion was crushed. The Syrian Army mobilized its reserves. China said the Syrian situation was worsening. A record number of refugees, over 100,000, fled Syria in August.


100 ultraconservative Salafi Muslims attacked a hotel because it was serving alcohol. In recent weeks, Salafi groups have prevented several concerts and plays from taking place.


Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said the major world powers had not done enough to deter Iran’s nuclear program and that they needed to set “a clear red line.” The US moved ahead on additional steps to restrain Iran.


For the first time on Egyptian state television, a woman wearing a head scarf presented the headline news, breaking a longstanding rule requiring secular dress. Debate arose over whether this was part of an effort by Egypt’s new president to encourage a more Islamic Egyptian society.


Iran and North Korea have signed an agreement to cooperate in science and technology. Iran’s leader Ayatollah Khamenei said North Korea and Iran had “common enemies.”


Rebels set off two bombs inside the Syrian army’s General Staff headquarters in Damascus. Government aircraft entered Iraqi airspace to bomb rebel positions along the border. Large numbers of refugees have fled to Jordan. More than 5,000 Syrians died in August, the highest monthly number to date


In a continued shakeup of its military, Egypt’s new defense minister retired 70 army generals as well as members of the former ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. The move followed last month’s firing of the defense minister and army chief of staff.


Morsi’s bold debut strikes a chord in Egypt and the US


Syria rebels appear to be targeting air bases

North Korea

The UN nuclear agency IAEA said North Korea has made significant progress on the construction of a nuclear reactor plant. The reactor could be completed by late 2013.


The IAEA said Iran has doubled its uranium enrichment capability yet continues to encounter problems. The Bushehr nuclear reactor reached full operating power. Iran secured support for its nuclear program from the Non Aligned Nations summit meeting.


Government forces repelled a large rebel attack on an air base near Aleppo. Rebels captured an air defense building in Idib. Fighting occurred in Aleppo, Damascus, and Homs. Rebels said they still controlled 60% of Aleppo.


Egypt broadened its offensive against militants in the Sinai Peninsula. Security forces captured a militant responsible for attacks last year on a police station and a bank in the Sinai Peninsula. President Morsi said Syria’s Assad regime must go.


A Revolutionary Guards commander said Iran was “fighting in every aspect of the war” in Syria. Iran called for a ceasefire in Syria. The cyber-espionage campaign targeting Iran and other areas of the Middle East widened.


Appearing on state TV, President Assad said government forces were gaining ground but that more time was needed to win the civil war. A car bomb exploded during a funeral procession for slain Assad supporters, killing 27 people.


The military said it would continue its offensive against Islamic militants in the Sinai Peninsula; Salafist groups said that the offensive had been called off. President Morsi promised to respect Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel.


Admitting the government’s weakness, Libya’s interior minister said he would not risk a confrontation with hardline Islamic militant groups responsible for a series of sectarian attacks. A Salafist group recently bulldozed Sufi shrines in Tripoli and Zlitan.


Wiper Malware That Hit Iran Left Possible Clues of Its Origins