Author Archives: CJ Radin


The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said Iran has troops in Syria as “advisers.” An Iranian Islamic foundation increased a bounty offered for the death of British writer Salman Rushdie. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said Iran was within six to seven months of building a nuclear weapon.


After film, push strengthens for blasphemy clause in Egypt’s constitution


In the Sinai, Islamic militants attacked an Egyptian security headquarters. The fighting broke out after police staged dawn raids on a number of homes in the area.


Libyan President Magariaf said intercepted communications indicated the attack on the US consulate was planned in advance and linked to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Libyan Ansar al Sharia. So far 50 suspects have been arrested, including some foreigners linked to al Qaeda. However, the US ambassador to the UN said evidence so […]


Protests in Cairo subsided as hundreds of riot police cleared the area around the US embassy. Security forces arrested 220 “troublemakers and lawbreakers” and jailed 54 for prosecution. Barriers were erected to seal off the area.


Security forces identified 50 individuals involved in the attack on the US embassy. Four have been arrested; others may have escaped. The US sent spies, Marines, and drones to Libya to speed the investigation. Al Qaeda said the attack was revenge for the killing of its second in command, Abu Yahya al Libi.


The UN’s nuclear agency censured Iran over its nuclear program. Oil exports were down dramatically due to international sanctions. The US and allies prepared for a major naval exercise in the Persian Gulf.


Al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri called on all Muslims to support rebels fighting to overthrow the Assad regime. Heavy fighting continued throughout the country. In Damascus, a pro-Assad Shi’ite militia battled with rebels.


Protests outside the US embassy turned violent. Protesters threw Molotov cocktails while police responded with tear gas. President Morsi said he backed peaceful protest but not attacks on embassies. President Morsi attempted to persuade Iran to drop its support of the Assad regime in Syria.


Four suspects believed to be involved in the attack on the US consulate were arrested by Libyan authorities. The US Navy deployed two destroyers to the Libyan coast.


Iran Attack Would Halt Nuclear Bid for Four Years, Report Says


Egypt, Not Libya, May Be Bigger Challenge for White House


Iranian people believe government will go to war to stay in power


Israel attacked Syria’s nuclear reactor after raiding home of official: report


Analysis: Canada may have cut ties with Iran to avoid retaliation


The IAEA, the UN’s nuclear agency, received new intelligence indicating that Iran has moved further toward building a nuclear weapon. Iranian currency, the rial, hit a record low.


Israel and the US sparred over Iran’s nuclear program. US Secretary of State Clinton said the US would set no “red lines” or deadlines, while Defense Secretary Panetta said the US had about a year to act. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said that unless the US gives Iran an ultimatum to stop work on nuclear […]


Car bombs exploded in a government-controlled district of Aleppo, killing 27. The UN’s new envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, began his mission by visiting Cairo. Egypt planned to host a regional meeting to discuss Syria. A defecting Syrian general said French agents helped him escape.


In Sinai’s tangled web of alliances, death is the new diplomacy


France takes the lead with aid for Syrian rebels


Government jets bombed northern Aleppo, killing dozens of civilians. Two bombs exploded next to buildings housing Syrian forces in northern Aleppo, killing scores of troops. Abu Sayyaf, a Jordanian militant leader linked to al Qaeda, said his group planned to launch attacks against the Assad regime.


Syrian National Council: The Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight


A civil court upheld severe jail sentences against 13 Shiite activists, including seven life sentences. The activists had protested against the Sunni monarchy. Bahraini authorities said they would take additional legal action against the opposition Al Wefaq group.


Jihadists join Aleppo fight, eye Islamic state, surgeon says


After a four-day artillery bombardment, government troops assaulted a Palestinian refugee area in southern Damascus. Two bombs exploded in central Damascus, killing five government security personnel. European Union foreign ministers agreed to additional sanctions on Syria. Russia rejected further sanctions.


Egypt has been coordinating operations with Israel during its campaign in Sinai against Islamic militants. In the operation so far, Egyptian forces have killed 32 “criminal elements” and arrested 38 more, and shut down 31 tunnels connecting the Sinai and Gaza. The Egyptian army said there are 225 main tunnels into Gaza.


France considered sending lethal aid to the rebels. The amount of aid delivered so far has been limited. Iran has sent 150 Revolutionary Guards commanders to aid the Assad regime.


Insider attacks: How US and Afghan troops see the mission now