Author Archives: CJ Radin


Saudi millions and special forces expertise turn Syria’s rebels into a fighting force


In Libya, dueling protests reflect struggle for nation’s soul


Iran accused a German company of attempting to sabotage its nuclear program by planting explosives inside its equipment. An Iranian Republican Guard commander expected Iran to go to war with Israel.


Rebel forces moved their command center from Turkey into a liberated area of Syria. The Free Syrian Army is expected to move all its leadership into Syria soon into either Idlib or Aleppo provinces.


In Benghazi, hundreds of angry protesters stormed the headquarters of an Islamic militia and drove it out of the city. The Ansar al Sharia militia is thought to be responsible for the murder of the US ambassador last week. Protesters carried signs reading “The ambassador was Libya’s friend” and “Libya lost a friend.”


The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization admitted supplying the UN with false information on its nuclear program. Four Western countries accused Iran of supplying arms to the Syrian government.


Airstrikes in Raqqah, an Assad stronghold, killed 30 people. President Assad said the rebellion would be defeated.


The Israeli Army thwarted an attempt by armed militants to cross the border from Egypt into Israel. Three militants and an Israeli soldier were killed. The militants were heavily armed with rifles, bullet-proof vests, and explosive belts.


‘Arab Electronic Army’ attacks Western websites over anti-Islam film


Cyberwar on Iran more widespread than first thought, say researchers


Iran preparing internal version of Internet


Iran shows no hesitation about intervening in Syria

Muslim leaders decry French cartoons, but call for calm

Analysis: ‘Manufactured outrage’ behind Middle East protests


President Assad told Iran’s foreign minister that the rebellion in Syria also targeted Iran and Hezbollah. A government jet bombed a gas station in northern Syria, killing 54 people. Government forces raided a Palestinian refugee camp, arresting hundreds.

An Israeli air strike killed two Hamas security force members. The Palestinian economy entered a financial crisis due to a shortfall in donor funds.


Egyptian political parties condemned a French magazine for printing defamatory cartoons of Muhammad. Egypt’s highest Islamic official said Muslims should endure insults without retaliating.


The government banned any protests against a French magazine that published defamatory cartoons of Prophet Muhammad. An Islamic extremist sought by authorities for instigated violent protests in the country escaped.


Rebels seized a third border crossing into Turkey. Heavy fighting in Damascus left 117 dead. Government aircraft fired missiles at rebels in Lebanese territory.


The EU’s foreign policy chief will meet with Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator. Britain said Western nations would step up sanctions against Iran if negotiations failed. Iran deployed a Russian-made submarine in the Persian Gulf.


Egyptian prosecutors ordered seven Egyptian Coptic Christians in the US arrested and tried for their role in an anti-Islamic film. A court sentenced a Coptic Christian to six years for posting on Facebook drawings that insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Hamas asked Egypt to reconsider its closure of smuggling tunnels into Gaza.


A Libyan Salafi group said it would turn Libya into “an inferno for US troops” if the US military intervened in Libya. US drones have been flying over the US embassy compound in Benghazi, where the group controls a major security compound.


Iran said saboteurs used explosives to cut electrical power to its uranium enrichment plant. The head of Iran’s atomic energy organization said “terrorists and saboteurs” may have infiltrated the IAEA. German Chancellor Angela Merkel called Iran’s nuclear program a threat to the entire world.


General Mohammed Ali Jafari, the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, said that his force had high-level advisers in Lebanon. Lebanese President Michel Suleiman demanded that Iran explain its statement.


Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah called for sustained protests against an anti-Islam film. Nasrallah also urged governments to censor websites carrying the trailer from the film and asked Muslims to boycott those websites.


A Salafist leader escaped from a mosque that had been surrounded by security forces seeking to arrest him over clashes at the US Embassy. Since the attack on the embassy, 100 US citizens have been evacuated from Tunisia.

The Attacks on U.S. Embassies: 5 Key Lessons


Sudan’s president meets Egyptian counterpart in Cairo, despite international arrest warrant


Syria massacres seem to show slow, steady killing strategy