Author Archives: CJ Radin


Tehran split over billions spent to support Assad’s regime


Syrian rebels’ backers block arms cache until bickering factions unite


Syria rebels practice patience in the fight for Damascus


Seeking to boost alliance, Turkey, Egypt criticize Syrian regime, support Palestinians


After several days of fighting, a rebel offensive in the city of Aleppo made little progress against more heavily armed government forces. Government forces attacked rebels outside of Damascus.


Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said Iran would have enough uranium to make a nuclear bomb by next summer and that a “red line” should be drawn to stop it. Iran warned it would retaliate against any attack.


On the second day of their offensive in Aleppo, rebels unleashed artillery barrages against government positions. Government forces responded with air and artillery attacks. The government moved some of its chemical weapons for safekeeping. The US and France announced increased support for the rebels.

Al Qaeda

Radical Islamists unite under fresh name


British-built schools in Afghanistan may be forced to close


Several thousand rebels fighters launched a “decisive attack” for control of the city of Aleppo. The Al Nusra Front claimed responsibility for the double suicide bombing of the Syrian Army headquarters in Damascus on Wednesday. More than 300 people died in Wednesday’s fighting.


Party appears to be ending for Somali pirates


Two suicide bombs exploded outside Syrian Army headquarters in central Damascus, killing four guards. The rebel Free Syrian Army claimed responsibility. Forty people were massacred outside Damascus. French President Francois Hollande called on the UN to protect liberated zones.


In Tripoli, security guards repelled an attack by militia fighters on a hotel housing members of Libya’s parliament. The attack came after the government decreed that militias are to be disbanded.

Middle East

Middle East protests: Signs of hope, challenge for fledgling democracies


A Fragile Iraq Faces New Perils From Syria’s War


A senior commander of the Republican Guards said a cyber war was more dangerous to Iran than a physical war. President Ahmadinejad railed against Israel and the US in a speech at the UN.


UN envoy Lakhdar Brahimi said the situation in Syria was dire and getting worse. Qatar called on world powers to create a safe haven and no-fly zone. Egypt’s President Morsi said foreign intervention would be “a big mistake.”


Iran cut off Internet access to Google search, YouTube, and Gmail. A government news agency said the reason was YouTube’s refusal to take down an inflammatory movie trailer about the Prophet Mohammed. Others cited the use of social media in anti-government demonstrations.


A court sentenced 14 Islamic extremists to death for attacks on security forces in the Sinai Peninsula. Six others were sentenced to life in prison.


Syria: the foreign fighters joining the war against Bashar al-Assad


Most of Syria outside regime control: rebel colonel


More than 180 people were killed during heavy fighting in Aleppo and across the country. Fighting spilled across Syria’s borders into Lebanon and Turkey.


Now in power, rifts emerge within Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood


President Morsi said that a strong relationship with Iran was important for Egypt. The leader of Egypt’s Salafist party called on the UN to criminalize contempt of Islam.


A senior member of parliament accused the IAEA of passing nuclear secrets to Israel. A senior IRGC commander said Iran could launch a preemptive strike against Israel and that Iran would also target US bases in the region.


President al-Megaref ordered all militias in the country to either submit to government control or disband. The announcement came after the Ansar al Sharia militia was driven out of Benghazi by protesters on Friday. Two Islamist militias in eastern Libya said they would disband.


Protests erupted in the capital of Dhaka. Clashes with police left scores injured. Authorities had banned protests near the city’s main mosque to avoid unrest.