Author Archives: CJ Radin

Saudi Arabia

Anti-Islam film prompts Saudi call for net censorship body


Rebels captured an air defense base near the northern city of Aleppo; the al Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front participated in the attack. Rebel offensives across the country killed 100 government troops in two days.


A draft of Egypt’s new constitution was released to the public. Protests in Cairo led to clashes between supporters and opponents of Egypt’s President Mursi. More than 100 were injured.


The Israeli Air Force struck a terrorist training camp in the northern Gaza. The attack is the latest in a series of air and rocket strikes between Israeli forces and Hamas and Islamic Jihad.


Government forces failed to retake a strategic town captured by rebels earlier in the week. The town is on a main road between Damascus and Aleppo.


Several thousand people marched through Cairo to mark the anniversary of a military crackdown on Christian protesters that killed 26 people. The group called for retribution against army leaders responsible for the deaths.


‘Easy to make and use’: Tunisian magazine teaches children how to build a Molotov cocktail


Tunisia Islamist leader stirs fears of radicalism in video


Iran aids Syria in tracking opposition via electronic surveillance, U.S. officials say


Rebels seized a strategic town on the highway between Damascus and Aleppo. The government rushed reinforcements to the area. British Foreign Secretary Hague said the situation in Syria continues to deteriorate with no end in sight.


Israel abandoned plans for an imminent attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Israeli intelligence concluded that a significant portion of Iran’s 20% enriched uranium had been diverted to a medical research reactor.


In shifting Syria conflict, Assad assumes command of forces


An Azerbaijani court convicted 22 people for assisting Iran in plotting terrorist attacks on US and Israeli targets in the country. The defendants were accused of planning attacks in cooperation with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.


The Al Nusra Front jihadist group carried out a complex attack on an intelligence agency compound in the capital, Damascus. Over 32,000 people have been killed since the Syrian uprising began 19 months ago.


Attack on US mission in Libya presents dilemmas for White House


A jolt to Libya’s new democracy – but some progress, too


Syrian businessmen flee with their money to Egypt, Gulf


Iran repelled cyberattacks against its communication networks on offshore oil and gas platforms. A think tank estimated Iran could produce enough enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb within two to four months.


Israel launched an airstrike into Gaza on Sunday targeting members of a Gaza-based jihadist network. Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired mortars and rockets into Israel in retaliation. Israeli warplanes responded, hitting several rocket-launching units.


Government forces increased bombardment of Homs while infantry advanced into the city center. Turkey and Syria continued cross-border shelling for a sixth day. Turkish President Erdogan warned that worst-case scenarios were being played out in Syria.


Iran withdrew 275 members of its elite Qods Force from Syria. The force had been supporting the Assad regime.


Kuwait’s ruler dissolved parliament and set early elections. The action was a victory for opposition Islamic and tribal parties.


Government forces killed at least 36 people in operations in Damascus suburbs. The government said it had “cleansed” the area of terrorists; rebels called it a massacre. A large car bomb exploded in central Damascus near police headquarters. Turkey and Syria exchanged artillery fire for a fifth day.


Iran’s currency chaos rattles leaders but fails to threaten grip


Egypt’s hardline Islamist party pulls back from brink of split, for now


Hamas election boycott leaves West Bank Palestinians with only one choice


In a bid to restart nuclear talks, Iran converted a third of its highly enriched uranium into a powder that is difficult to reprocess into weapons. Iran’s proposal for a partial suspension of uranium enrichment was rejected by the US. Clerics called the near collapse of the national currency a US-led conspiracy to wage economic […]


Israeli air force jets shot down an unmanned drone after it crossed the southern border into Israel. It is unclear where the drone came from.