Author Archives: CJ Radin


Saad el-Katatny was elected leader of the Muslim Brotherhood party. Katatny belongs to the more conservative branch of the party. About 10,000 protesters from liberal groups rallied in Cairo demanding that the country’s constitution represent all factions of society.


The US and Israel are preparing a major joint air defense exercise, the largest to date. The exercise will simulate a multifront missile attack against Israel.


Government forces continued air strikes against a strategically important town in northern Syria. Stalemated fighting continued in Aleppo. Iran and Turkey said they supported a ceasefire proposal brokered by the UN. Some 33,000 Syrians have died in the conflict and 340,000 have become refugees.


The Libyan Army clashed with militia in the former the Qaddafi stronghold of Bani Walid. The army was attempting to arrest suspects in the murder of Omran Shaban and others wanted for crimes associated with the former regime.


Syria conflict deepens sectarian rifts in Lebanon


Rebels forces shot down a helicopter over Idib. Rebel acquisition of heavy weapons has forced government aircraft to bomb from higher altitudes. Heavy air attacks struck Idlib and Aleppo provinces.


For the first time, Palestinian militants in Gaza fired an antiaircraft missile at an Israeli aircraft. The missile may have been looted from Libya. An Islamist group in the Sinai said it would take revenge on Israel for killing five Palestinian militants, including the leader of an al Qaeda-affiliated group, in Gaza over the weekend.


Journalists at state-run media agencies went on strike, accusing the government of restricting freedom of speech. The strike was the first ever in Tunisia.


Egypt’s Islamist revival most evident at the grass roots


U.S. to Help Create Libyan Commando Force


New computer spying program linked to attacks on Arab states


Rebel military commanders agreed to set up a joint leadership. Rebel civilian leaders planned to meet Nov. 4 for a unity conference in Qatar. Government forces continue to bombard a strategic town captured by rebels last week; the town overlooks a main road between Damascus and Aleppo.


Opposition groups staged a large protest against changes to election laws affecting upcoming parliamentary elections. Some protesters were arrested and several injured as police tried to break up the demonstration.


Five masked men stormed into a 500-year-old Muslim shrine and set it on fire. The shrine had previously been threatened by religious conservatives. Human Rights Watch said Tunisia has failed to crack down on Islamist violence against secularists.


Continued concern over Iran’s nuclear program prompted the EU to impose a range of new economic sanctions on Iran. Iran said it would cut the imports of nonessential goods as it moves to a resistance economy.


Salafis’ rise in Gaza robs Hamas of resistance banner


Syria’s crisis: No side looks set to win soon


Egypt launched a civilian investigation of the military’s role in the killing of protesters during the 17-month uprising that removed the military from power. The probe challenges the military’s traditional immunity to outside scrutiny.


Iranians Planning to Create Environmental Catastrophe in Hormuz Strait


Bahrain king blasts ‘foreign’ links to unrest in swipe at Iran


Hezbollah’s chief financial officer fled to Israel, taking with him $5 million in embezzled funds as well as classified documents and maps. In September he and four others had been arrested by Iranian intelligence officers for collaborating with Israel.


Syria despatch: rebel fighters fear the growing influence of their ‘Bin Laden’ faction


Rebels claimed to have downed a Syrian air force jet. Syria and Turkey banned each others’ civilian flights over their territory. The ban came after Turkey intercepted a Syrian-bound plane that Turkey claimed carried munitions.


Iran’s foreign minister said “Iran is ready to show flexibility” in talks over its nuclear program. Iran would halt further uranium enrichment in exchange for a guaranteed supply and acknowledgment of Iran’s right to enrich uranium.


Western intelligence sees ‘small signs of wavering’ on Iran nuclear policy


Rebels repelled a government counterattack against a strategic town in northern Syria. The town overlooks the road between Damascus and Aleppo and was captured by rebels earlier this week. Rebel forces captured 250 government soldiers. Government forces increased air and artillery strikes against Homs.


Israel warned it would take action against a boat carrying pro-Palestinian activists if it tries to break a naval blockade of Gaza. The boat left Italy on Oct. 7 with 20 people from eight countries on board.


As Sanctions Bite, West And Tehran Play Risky Game


US, allies girding for worst-case scenario with Syria’s WMD