Author Archives: CJ Radin

Palestinian Territories

Palestinians and Israeli army units traded fire in Gaza. Four Palestinians were killed and 25 wounded; four Israeli soldiers were also wounded.


Two car bombs exploded in the southern city of Daraa, killing at last least 20 government soldiers. British Prime Minister Cameron proposed arming the Syrian rebels. Jordan has stepped up its support of the rebels.


Iran confirmed that its jets shot at a US reconnaissance drone. Iranian and UN officials plan to meet in Tehran next month to restart talks over Iran’s nuclear program.


Rebel forces captured a town on the Turkish border. The number of Syrian refugees escalated as 11,000 fled in single day.


More than 10,000 radical Islamists demonstrated in Cairo demanding that Egypt’s new constitution be based on sharia law. Egypt’s main Salafist party and the Muslim Brotherhood party said they were not taking part in the protest. Many of the protesters were members of Gamaa Islamiya.


Iranian air force jets fired at an unarmed US drone. The drone was flying off the coast of Kuwait in international waters. Iran’s news agency said the military would hold a “massive” air defense exercise, starting this weekend. Iran banned the importation of luxury goods.


Call to lift Syria arms embargo to aid rebels


Syria rebels appear to be shifting strategy in Damascus


Rebels attacked government roadblocks in central Damascus. President Assad said he would never leave Syria and warned against Western intervention. Rebel leaders met in Qatar to negotiate a government-in-exile agreement.


From Sudan to cyber, secret war with Iran heats up


In Syria’s Biggest City, A Deadly Stalemate


Britain’s prime minister offered Syrian President Assad “safe passage” out of Syria. The Syrian air force has grounded 70 percent of its pilots due to their questionable loyalty.


Israel announces plans to boost Iron Dome missile interceptor


Twenty rebels were killed when government jets bombarded the northern town of Haram. Fighting raged in Damascus and Aleppo. A large car bomb hit a government post in Hama. Rebels claimed 50 regime fighters were killed. Palestinians fought over a border crossing to Turkey. Rebel commanders reorganized their forces into five fronts.


Security forces used tear gas to break up a demonstration against new voting rules for upcoming parliamentary elections. The government had previously banned all demonstrations.


Five bombs explored in two areas of the capital of Manama, killing two foreign workers. The government and activists accused each other of setting off the blasts.

Gulf squeeze on opposition brings unusual alarm from Western allies


Inside Israel’s nuclear wargames


Rebels launched an assault on the strategic airbase of Taftanaz in northern Syria in an attempt to disrupt strikes by government aircraft and helicopters on rebel-held areas. The Al Nusrah Front, an al Qaeda-associated group, participated in the attack.


Support for jihadists in Syria swells as US backing of rebels falls short


West backs Qatari plan to unify Syrian opposition


Riot police broke up anti-government demonstrations. The government had banned all public gatherings earlier in the week.


Salafists demonstrated in Cairo for greater use of sharia law in Egypt’s constitution. Salafists clashed with Liberal protesters who chanted slogans against President Mursi. Police arrested 12 suspects linked to al Qaeda; weapons and explosives were also seized.


Government forces abandoned a strategic base along a highway linking Damascus with Aleppo. The withdrawal threatens the government’s ability to supply its forces fighting in Aleppo. A video appears to show rebels killing a group of captured government soldiers.


Syria conflict: Will US succeed in reshaping opposition?

Al Qaeda

Algeria wins over long hostile Berbers to root out al-Qaida in last mountain refuge