Author Archives: CJ Radin


In Egypt, rage against Israel but little appetite for war


Hamas pragmatists lose out in leadership struggle


Violence accelerated in Gaza as Israel and Hamas exchanged air and artillery attacks. Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel is prepared to widen its Gaza offensive. Israel continued to mass troops along the Gaza border. Egyptian and Israeli officials met in Cairo to attempt to mediate a ceasefire. Israeli government websites were hit with 44 million […]


Border guards allowed 400 political activists to cross into Gaza. Liberal secular representatives announced their withdrawal from the committee charged with writing Egypt’s new constitution.


A report from the IAEA said Iran had doubled the capacity at its uranium enrichment plant. Iran has postponed the startup of a nuclear reactor in Akak; the research reactor has the capability of producing plutonium for nuclear arms.


Israel accelerated its air attack in Gaza as Hamas continued to fire rockets into Israel, including one attack on Tel Aviv. Israel’s cabinet authorized the mobilization of 75,000 reservists as it prepared for a possible ground assault on Gaza. Arab leaders talked.


The US, China, Russia, France, the UK, and Germany planned to meet to discuss negotiation strategy over Iran’s nuclear program; it is unclear if Iran is ready to participate in negotiations. Iran state TV reported the arrest of people plotting bomb attacks with the support of Western and Israeli spy agencies.


US-Egypt relations challenged by escalating Middle East violence


Israel and Hamas wage social media fight via social media platforms


Hamas rocket attacks in southern Israel killed three people. Hamas also launched rockets targeting Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Israel responded with air, tank, and gunboat attacks on Gaza. Further air attacks continued on Friday. Israel mobilized 16,000 army reservists for a possible ground attack on Gaza.


President Morsi expressed support for Hamas, saying Egypt “will not leave Gaza on its own.” Prime Minister Qandil visited Gaza and denounced Israeli attacks.


The UK and US held off recognition of the new Syrian opposition coalition. European nations debated whether to overturn an arms embargo on Syria.


Where Syria’s opposition groups get their rockets


Analysis: Election over, U.S. cautiously mulls Syria options


Egypt security uncovers militant group’s ‘caliphate’ plan to conquer state

Palestinian Territories

Israel was hit by rockets attacks from Gaza. Israeli forces responded with airstrikes. Israel said it might resume targeted killings of militant leaders. Hamas and Islamic Jihad said they were ready for a truce.


Government jets bombed a rebel-held region near the Turkish border for a second day. The Syrian conflict has displaced 2.5 million people. Britain, France, Gulf states, and the Arab League welcomed the new Syrian opposition coalition; the government scoffed.


Iran launched a large air defense exercise. The exercise spanned Iran’s northeastern, eastern, and southeastern regions.


Israel continued its attacks on southern Gaza, targeting smuggling tunnels near the city of Rafah. Palestinians responded with rocket attacks that hit the Negev and Ashkelon region.


‘Destroy the idols,’ Egyptian jihadist calls for removal of Sphinx, Pyramids


Shadow of the Taliban still haunts Swat Valley

Saudi Arabia

Talking to foreign media is ‘haram:’ Saudi Grand Mufti


Bahrain opposition leader: Hopes fading for talks as violence mounts


Three people were killed in the city of Sidon during a battle between supporters of Hezbollah and hardline Sunni cleric Ahmed al Assir. The fighting was the latest clash caused by the sectarian tension spilling over from Syria.


Syrian rebel groups meeting in Qatar formed a national coalition to fight against the Assad regime. Government forces bombarded a town near the Turkish border recently captured by rebels.


Israel fired “warning shots” into Syria after a mortar shell struck an Israeli post in the Golan Heights. It was the first time Israel fired into Syria during its 19-month civil war. Israel said it may launch an incursion into Gaza after a recent escalation of cross-border attacks.


US-backed force in Libya faces challenges


Paramilitary National Guard units deployed into new areas around the country, stepping up efforts to suppress political unrest. The guards would be patrolling in “strategic locations” where arson attacks and clashes with opposition demonstrators had occurred.