Author Archives: CJ Radin


A massive demonstration was staged in Cairo’s Tahrir Square to protest President Morsi’s assumption of sweeping new powers. By evening, the crowd had grown to 200,000. Morsi’s supporters canceled a planned rally, citing the need to “defuse tension.”

North Korea

Satellite photos indicated North Korea was readying to launch a long-range ballistic rocket. The assessment came two weeks after North Korean officials said they would expand their space program and “go through with launches of working satellites of all kinds.”


In Gaza, Hamas Faces Test of Strategy


Israel and Hamas began talks in Cairo over the details of their truce deal. Gazans started to rebuild smuggling tunnels to Egypt. Israeli defense minister Barak resigned.


In Egypt, president’s power grab unites those who once battled over Mubarak


President Morsi negotiated with the judiciary over his seizure of extended powers; no agreement was reached. Morsi’s justice minister argued for a retreat, and three other senior advisers resigned. The State Council’s Administrative Court said it would consider legal challenges next week.


Rebels captured a strategic hydroelectric dam on the Euphrates river in northern Syria and a training camp for pro-regime Palestinians. Government aircraft, targeting a rebel headquarters near the Turkish border, hit a refugee area instead. Government aircraft bombed a school, killing 10 children.


Hezbollah warned it would fire thousands of rockets into Israel in any future war. The Lebanese Army arrested five Syrians found with explosives and suspected of planning an attack on a Shiite Muslim procession.


Rebels captured an air base near Damascus, destroying several helicopters and capturing 15 soldiers. Rebels had captured three other military bases earlier in the week along with large quantities of equipment and ammunition.


Will Mursi’s Egypt become a new Iran?


Stalemate in Syria? Army short on loyalists, rebels short on guns


Middle East shifts may weaken Iran’s influence with Palestinians


Protesters clashed with police in Cairo for a third day over President Morsi’s grant of new powers. The Muslim Brotherhood called for demonstrations to show support for the president. Morsi said his new powers would be “temporary” and that he wanted dialogue. Egypt’s stock index fell 10%.


A bomb exploded in a Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, killing four people; Yarmouk camp had been the scene of clashes between pro and anti-Assad Palestinian groups. Fighting continued in Aleppo, Homs, and Damascus.


The Supreme Judicial Council criticized a decree by President Morsi granting himself power over the judiciary, calling it an “unprecedented assault.” Opponents called for large-scale demonstrations on Tuesday. Judges called for a national strike. In Alexandria, all work was suspended in courts and prosecution offices.


Burst Of Protest In Egypt But No Revolution, Yet


Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi proves a deft, adroit and ruthless leader


Analysis: With Mideast cease-fire, US pins hopes on Egypt’s new Islamist government


Rebels captured a key military base along the northern Syria-Iraq border, bringing the region under their control. Rebels south of Damascus fought to unite fragmented areas into a single liberated zone. Fighting raged within Damascus.


President Morsi issued a decree granting himself broad new powers over the judiciary. The action sparked mass demonstrations across the country by both protesters and supporters. Protesters attacked the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Alexandria. Morsi defended his new powers.


Israel Hamas conflict: ceasefire a sign of Middle East’s new political reality


Middle East shifts may weaken Iran’s influence with Palestinians


Qatar’s aid and Iran’s arms compete in battered Gaza


After eight days of violence in Gaza, a truce agreement was reached between Israel and Hamas. Both sides continued to fire up to the 9 p.m. truce deadline, but no major breaches were reported in the hours since. After the truce has held for 24 hours, talks are to begin to address Hamas’s demand that […]


The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency said there was no evidence that economic sanctions had any affect on Iran’s nuclear program. Iran was still producing enriched uranium at “a quite constant pace.”


5 Reasons Why The Israeli-Palestinian Fighting Is Different This Time


A Hamas official said a truce was imminent in Gaza. However, Israel and Egypt said the announcement was premature and that talks were still in progress. A “calming down” announcement scheduled for 9 p.m. local time did not happen. Israel said it would postpone a ground offensive into Gaza to give diplomatic efforts more time.


Rebels overran a military base in northern Syria, capturing armored vehicles and a large quantity of ammunition. Rebels also captured part of an air defense base. The European Union said the Syrian rebel coalition was legitimate. Extremist Islamist groups rejected the coalition and announced their own “jihadist state.”


Iron Dome: Missile defense system a game changer, Israelis say


Violence in Gaza continued to escalate. The Israeli military attacked 80 sites, including police stations, weapons facilities, and militant buildings. The death toll passed 100. Truce negotiations started in Cairo. Hamas demanded concessions before it halted rocket attacks. A Hamas leader dared Israel to launch a ground invasion and dismissed truce negotiations.