Author Archives: CJ Radin


Egypt’s supreme court suspended work after Islamist demonstrators blocked judges from entering their chambers. Opposition groups called for demonstrations on Tuesday to protest a referendum on a draft constitution.


Flow of Arms to Syria Through Iraq Persists, to US Dismay


Kuwait elected a new parliament. Turnout was low due to a boycott by an opposition coalition of Islamists, tribal groups, and young people.

North Korea

North Korea said it planned to launch a three-stage rocket later this month. The US said the launch would be a “highly provocative.” South Korea warned North Korea not to carry out the launch.


Government forces attacked rebel positions in the suburbs of Damascus. After a two-day outage, Internet service was restored to the country.


More than 200,000 Islamists demonstrated in Cairo in support of President Morsi. The president called for a referendum on a new constitution by Dec. 15.


Following the UN vote recognizing Palestinian statehood, Israel said it would build new settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The government authorized the construction of 3,000 new homes and ordered preliminary work for thousands more.


Syrian fighting rages as rebels push for Damascus breakthough


Militant leader in Syria seeks Islamic state, says his men do not fear death


Fighting continued around the Damascus airport. The government said the route to the airport had been reopened, but the airport remained closed. The Internet outage continued for a second day.


Mursi takes on judges in battle over Egypt’s future


Tens of thousands of demonstrators returned to Cairo’s Tahrir Square for a third day. Demonstrators protested against a new draft constitution as well as President Morsi’s new powers.


Without Iran’s support, Assad regime will collapse: report

Palestinian Territories

The UN General Assembly voted to recognize a Palestinian sovereign state. The vote upgraded the Palestinian Authority from “non-member observer entity” to “non-member observer state.”


Syrian rebels start using missiles


Heavy fighting raged around the Damascus airport. Road access to the airport was cut and flights were suspended. The government shut down Internet access to the country.


Egypt’s Morsi escalates crisis, raising fears of a ‘second revolution’


The Islamist-dominated committee writing the new constitution voted to approve a first draft. The committee aimed to pre-empt a court ruling that could dissolve their panel and defuse tensions over President Morsi’s grant of new powers.


The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization said Iran would continue to enrich uranium for its nuclear program. Talks between Iran and six world powers are expected to resume later this year or in January.


Egypt learns the art of politics amid protests challenging Morsi’s decree


Two car bombs exploded in Damascus, killing at least 34 people. Rebels shot down a government jet, the second aircraft shot down in two days. The new opposition coalition held its first meeting to discuss forming a transitional government.


In Egypt and Tunisia, Salafis move from prisons to parliaments


Morsi may have misjudged Egypt’s tolerance of authoritarianism


Protests against President Morsi continued for a second day. Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist parties called for a “million man” rally to support Morsi for Saturday. The committee writing the new constitution said it could complete a draft soon. A court sentenced seven Egyptian Copts to death in absentia for participating in an anti-Islamic video.


Diagram suggests Iran working on nuclear bomb much more powerful than Hiroshima


Iran’s nuclear stockpile grows but not yet in danger zone


Syrian rebels struggle to keep regime Air Force on the ground


Government aircraft attacked towns in the north and east. In Aleppo, rebels used an antiaircraft missile to shoot down a military helicopter. Rebels attacked government forces outside of Damascus.