Author Archives: CJ Radin

Palestinian Territories

Hamas political leader Khaled Meshaal visited Gaza for the first time in 45 years. “I hope God will make me a martyr on the land of Palestine in Gaza,” he said.


Noting the importance of the Damascus airport to the Assad regime, rebel forces declared it a “legitimate target” and continued their attempts to capture it. Government forces attacked rebel positions in Damascus suburbs to prevent rebel forces from encircling the city. The US and Russia agreed to mediation talks on the future of Syria.


Large pro and anti-Morsi demonstrations continued and spread beyond Cairo. Refusing to cancel a vote on a draft constitution, President Morsi called for dialogue. Opposition leaders refused. The Muslim Brotherhood’s main office in Cairo was burned.


US officials reported that Syrian government forces were preparing to use chemical weapons. Top US, Russian, and UN diplomats held an emergency meeting to discuss the situation. The US and European nations rushed to fund the newly-formed Syrian opposition coalition. Fighting intensified around Damascus.


Fighting continued in Tripoli between groups loyal to the opposing sides in the Syrian civil war. At least 10 people have been killed in the last three days.


A night of widespread street fighting between supporters and opponents of President Morsi left six dead and hundreds wounded. The Army was brought in to separate the groups. Morsi said he would stand by his decree.


Syria: first state with WMDs to topple?


Jihadists make their presence felt in Syria’s Aleppo


Syrian army wears down as rebels gain territory and confidence


Fighting continued between pro-Assad Alawites and anti-Assad Sunni groups in Tripoli. At least six people have been killed and dozens injured over the past two days.


Rebel groups attempted to restructure their leadership across the country. US Secretary of State Clinton warned that the Assad regime might use chemical weapons.


Supporters and opponents of President Morsi fought each other outside the presidential palace. Three of Morsi’s advisers resigned in protest.


Algeria and Tunisia concluded two days of talks. Several cooperation agreements were signed, including joint counterterrorism efforts.


The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps claimed it captured another US drone. The US denied the claim. The IRGC released a video purporting to show the drone.


In Syria, a fine line between Jihadists and opposition


A Rebel Fighter Sees Islamic Law In Syria’s Future


Assad Suffering Reversals in Fighting and Diplomacy


Heavy fighting continued in southern Damascus near the international airport. A mortar round hit a school near Damascus, killing 29 students.


Gunmen loyal to opposite sides in Syria’s civil war clashed in Tripoli. Two were killed and 12 wounded.


Thousands of protesters clashed with police outside the presidential palace in Cairo. Egyptian newspapers went on strike.


Supporters of Tunisia’s Islamist rulers attacked members of the country’s main labor union. Ten people were injured before police restored order.

North Korea

Russia and China urged North Korea not to go ahead with a planned launch of a long-range rocket. North Korea informed the UN the launch would take place between Dec.10 and Dec. 22.


The government continued its attack on rebel positions around Damascus. A Syrian Army tank fired shells into Turkey. A prominent foreign ministry spokesman defected. The UN said it was pulling out all its non-essential staff.


The supreme court joined other judges in protest against President Morsi by declaring a strike. The media and the tourism industry also planned protest measures.


Rebel gains in Syria embolden Lebanese Sunnis


A year of strife hardens Syrian rebel brigade into fierce, Islamist fighters


Why is Egypt’s draft constitution so controversial?


Government forces continued to bombard rebel strongholds in the outskirts of Damascus. A car bomb killed at least 15 people in the city of Homs.


In Damascus, Tense Anticipation of Strongest Push Yet by Rebels