Author Archives: CJ Radin


Supporters and opponents of President Morsi staged rallies ahead of Saturday’s referendum on a draft constitution. Demonstrations became violent in Alexandria.


Syrian rebels and the US urged Russia to help push the Assad regime from power. But Russia said it would continue to support the regime.


‘Insulting religion’: Blasphemy sentence in Egypt sends a chill


Syrian Rebels Training On Anti-Aircraft Weapons In Jordan


Russia’s deputy foreign minister said the Assad regime was losing control of Syria; NATO’s Secretary General assessed that the regime was approaching collapse. The Syrian Army fired SCUD ballistic missiles at rebel positions for the first time. Two car bombs exploded southwest of Damascus, killing 24 people.


Top Russian Envoy for Syria Says Assad Is Losing Control

North Korea

North Korea successfully launched a satellite into orbit, demonstrating North Korea’s intercontinental ballistic missile capability. NATO, UN, Russian, and Japanese leaders criticized the launch.


The National Salvation Front opposition alliance called for a “no” vote on the upcoming referendum on a draft constitution. Egyptians abroad began voting. Protests by both supporters and opponents of President Morsi continued in Cairo and across Egypt.


Syrian rebels gaining ground against Assad’s air power

North Korea

A look at North Korea’s secretive, advancing missile arsenal


The US recognized the opposition Syrian National Coalition as the “sole legitimate representative” of the Syrian people. More than 100 countries also recognized the opposition coalition. Russia, China, and Iran did not.


Khartoum allowing Iran to establish a Red Sea base


UK military in talks to help Syria rebels


In Egypt, Tahrir Square awash again in revolutionary fervor


Pro-government and opposition protesters held rallies over Saturday’s referendum on a draft constitution. Gunmen attacked opposition protesters. Most judges have refused to oversee the referendum. Due to the shortage, the referendum will be held in two stages.

North Korea

North Korea delayed the planned launch of missile, due to a “technical deficiency.” The launch is believed to be a test for an intercontinental ballistic missile, although North Korea has said the goal was to orbit a weather satellite.


Iran claimed it has decoded all of the data from a US drone captured last year. The UN’s nuclear agency said it had made no progress toward determining whether Iran was conducting research to build an atomic bomb.


Government forces adopted a new strategy, withdrawing troops from indefensible bases and concentrating them in Damascus and other cities deemed strategically important. After weeks of fighting, rebels captured a large army base in northern Syria.


Egypt’s Morsi plays to his power base


President Morsi issued a decree giving the army authority to arrest civilians during a referendum for a new constitution. Opponents called for a boycott of the referendum and for more protests.

North Korea

Japan deployed warships and land-based anti-missile defenses in response to North Korea’s announced plan to launch a ballistic missile this week. North Korea began transferring fuel in preparation for the launch.


US and Russian diplomats agreed to find a political solution for the Syrian conflict. Rebels in the northern city of Aleppo besieged a large government base.


President Morsi rescinded a decree giving him authority over the judiciary, but refused to cancel a vote on a draft constitution. Opposition leaders rejected the compromise, saying the Muslim Brotherhood had hijacked Egypt. Both groups called for demonstrations on Tuesday. Opposition groups declared the independence of the province of Alexandria from the “Islamic regime.”


Somali Pirate Attacks Plummet in 2012


Kabul’s $100m mosque: a sign of a heavyweight battle for post-2014 Afghanistan


Pakistan’s largest city suffers murder wave, Taliban seen using chaos to strengthen position


Rebel leaders created a unified military command and elected an overall military leader. Syria’s foreign minister warned that rebels may use chemical weapons; the Al Nusrah Front captured a chemical factory in Aleppo earlier this week.


President Morsi’s cabinet approved a measure giving the Army authority to arrest civilians. However, the Army said only dialogue could resolve the current crisis and that the Army was not seeking a political role. A “national dialogue” meeting was held at the presidential palace, but opposition leaders did not participate.


Russia recalibrating position on Syria’s Assad


Lebanon’s Tripoli begins to look like Syria