Author Archives: CJ Radin


The EU imposed new economic sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program. India planned to cut oil imports from Iran next year. China, Iran’s largest customer, planned to maintain its imports.


Government forces continued to fire SCUD-type ballistic missiles at rebel positions; they also began using cluster bombs. Residents began to flee Damascus.


Demonstrations over Egypt’s new constitution turned violent. Supporters and opponents in Alexandria hurled stones, injuring 58 people. Police fired tear gas and wielded batons to separate the groups.


Rebels began an offensive to seize a strategic town in Hama province that lies along the main highway between Damascus and Aleppo. Government forces resumed launching SCUD missiles at rebel positions. Fighting subsided at a Palestinian refugee camp near Damascus.


Egypt’s chief public prosecutor, appointed by President Morsi and forced to resign earlier this week by opposition protests, retracted his resignation. The controversy further heightens tensions between Muslim Brotherhood groups and the opposition ahead of Egypt’s second round of voting for a new draft constitution.


Troops gone, US increasingly sidelined in Iraq


Syrian rebel infighting could take dangerous turn if Assad falls


Government forces conducted a broad offensive against rebels in the suburbs of Damascus. The UN estimated there would be 1 million Syrian refugees by mid-2013, and appealed for $1.5 billion in aid.


US treads warily as political turmoil in Egypt drags on


A top elections official overseeing the referendum on a draft constitution resigned. Islamist groups planned a mass protest ahead of the second round of the referendum this weekend.


Iran’s president said Western sanctions would not slow down its nuclear program. Iran’s nuclear chief said Iran would not stop enriching uranium to 20 percent. The US resumed efforts to curb Iran’s nuclear program.


Syrian rebels cut off Bashar al-Assad’s escape route


After days of heavy fighting, rebel forces took control of the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp south of Damascus. The government massed forces to retake the camp. Large numbers of Palestinian residents fled. Rebels made further gains in central Syria.


Opponents resumed protests over a draft constitution. Egypt’s public prosecutor, appointed by President Morsi, resigned.


Saying neither side could win the conflict, Syria’s vice president called for a negotiated settlement. Both Turkey and Iran put forward plans to end the conflict. The government warned that the rebels may use chemical weapons and blame the attack on the government.


Tunisia: Islamists lose popular trust


Tunisians, angry and betrayed, gather two years after uprising


Iran cautiously tests options in Syria beyond ally Assad


Egypt’s judges moved to boycott the second round of voting in the constitutional referendum. Opposition leaders called for protests on Tuesday over alleged polling violations in the first round.


Jihadis bankroll aid efforts in Syria to win followers


Iran says oil revenues down by half


An Islamist rebel faction captured an infantry base in Aleppo. The air force bombed a Palestinian refugee camp. Iran called for a halt to violence. Lebanese Hezbollah leader Nasrallah said rebels in Syria would not emerge as the victors.


In the first of two rounds of voting, Egyptians voted in favor of a new constitution pushed by Islamist factions. Egypt’s main opposition coalition alleged vote rigging.


Referendum on constitution reveals a deeply divided Egypt


Rebel forces made gains in the northern area of Aleppo. Government troops assaulted a rebel-held area southwest of Damascus. US officials said Syrian government forces had loaded dozens of bombs and shells with chemical weapons.


Egyptians went to the polls to vote for a new constitution. New Islamist groups are emerging in Alexandria, including Hazemoun, the Third Islamist Current, and the Salafi Front.


A guide to what is next for Egypt after the constitutional vote

Palestinian Territories

Hamas staged rallies in the West Bank; finances remain a major issue, however. After the Nov. 21 ceasefire, Gaza has become the quietest in 20 years.


As Egypt Prepares To Vote, Only One Side Seems Organized