Author Archives: CJ Radin


Chemical Weapons Showdown With Syria Led to Rare Accord


Iran Targets Dissidents With 30,000-Strong Spy Army


A Kuwaiti court sentenced a man to two years in prison for insulting the country’s ruler on Twitter. Security forces dispersed several hundred demonstrators protesting against parliamentary elections.


A court confirmed life sentences for 13 dissidents for their part in anti-government protests in 2011. The 13 were among 20 opposition leaders and activists convicted by a military court for plotting to overthrow the state.

Palestinian Territories

President Abbas ordered the government in the West Bank to be renamed from the “Palestinian Authority” to “State of Palestine.” Abbas also warned that the government was is in “extreme jeopard”‘ because of an unprecedented financial crisis.


Security forces foiled a car bombing attempt in northern Sinai. It is suspected the militants were from Gaza and had entered Egypt through underground tunnels.


Bashar al-Assad’s speech echoes Gaddafi’s final, desperate rallies


As concern over the Syrian civil war escalates, Israel said it would build a fortified fence along its Syrian frontier, warning that radical Islamist forces have taken over the area. The fence would be similar to a recently completed structure built along its Egyptian border.


President Assad in a public speech presented a plan for ending the country’s civil war. He also called his opponents “terrorists” and said he had no intention of leaving office. The opposition Syrian National Coalition, the EU, the UK, and Turkey rejected the plan.


The government swore in 10 new cabinet ministers, strengthening the role of Islamists. The reshuffle comes as a delegation from the International Monetary Fund meets with authorities to discuss a $4.8 billion loan and economic restructuring.


Mali crisis paving way for militant attacks on France: judge


Iran began developing software to control social media networking sites. Although the specific sites was not disclosed, both Facebook and Twitter are popular in the country.


Government artillery and aircraft bombarded rebel strongholds in the suburbs of Damascus. Fighting also raged south of the capital. The government claims it captured Mohamed al Zawahiri, brother of al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri.


Iran-Turkey Rivalry Worsens Over Patriot Deployment


Iran rethinks its staunch support for Assad regime

Palestinian Territories

Fatah held a large rally in the Hamas stronghold of Gaza. This is the first such rally since Hamas took control of the area in 2007. The name of the Palestinian Authority was officially changed to “State of Palestine.”


A car bomb exploded at a crowded gas station in Damascus, killing 11 people. Government ground and air forces attacked rebel positions in Damascus. Hezbollah leader Nasrallah called for the Lebanese government to take a more active role in finding a solution to the Syrian conflict.


Syria military, rebels battle over two airports


Heavy fighting raged around Taftanaz military airport in northwest Syria. Hundreds of rebels attempted to storm the base but were repelled. Aleppo’s international airport remained under siege. Government forces attacked the rebel stronghold of Daraya in Damascus.


The Muslim Brotherhood claimed that the recent arrest of some of its members in the United Arab Emirates was unwarranted. Egypt’s opposition liberal and secular groups prepared to create a new political party to contest upcoming parliamentary elections. A senior Muslim Brotherhood official said that Israel would cease to exist within a decade.


The UN reported that 60,000 people have been killed in the 22-month-long conflict, a sharp increase from previous reports; the UN also said more than 500,000 have fled the country including 84,000 in December alone. The Philippine-based operator for the port of Tartus pulled its workers out of Syria.


Iran warned foreign surveillance ships and aircraft to stay away in the Strait of Hormuz. The Iranian Navy has been conducting military exercises in the area. Iran also conducted defensive drills in ports and along the coastline.

United Arab Emirates

UAE’s security services arrested 10 members of a cell linked to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. The group recruited Egyptian expatriates in the UAE and had received instruction on means of changing leadership in Arab countries.


State prosecutors began investigating an Egyptian satirist, after he was accused of “undermining the status” of President Morsi. Islamists announced the formation of a new political party.


Fighting erupted around Aleppo’s international airport. Government aircraft attacked rebel positions in Damascus suburbs. Rebels blew up a natural gas pipeline feeding electricity plants and a fertilizer factory.


President Assad said he has no intention of stepping down from power. Government troops pushed rebel forces out of the Deir Baalbeh district of Homs. Afterward, 220 civilians were rounded up and executed.