Author Archives: CJ Radin


Government jets bombed rebel positions in Daraya, a strategic suburb close to a key air base southwest of Damascus. France said it saw no signs that the Assad regime was about to fall.

North Korea

Following yesterday’s UN Security Council vote condemning North Korea for launching a ballistic missile, North Korea said it would no longer participate in nuclear talks and would boost its military and nuclear capabilities.


Russia’s foreign minister said there could be no peaceful resolution of the conflict in Syria as long as rebels refused to negotiate with the Assad regime. Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said the scale of violence used by Syria’s government meant a negotiated settlement was unthinkable.


Prime Minister Netanyahu’s party won a narrow victory in Parliamentary elections while the centrist Yesh Atid made strong gains. With almost all the votes counted, Israel’s two political blocs each held 60 seats in the 120-member Knesset.

North Korea

The UN Security Council voted unanimously to condemn North Korea for the launch of a ballistic missile last December. The resolution also said the council “expresses its determination to take significant action in the event of a further North Korean launch or nuclear test.”


Egypt opposition leader aims to break Islamist dominance


President Morsi said he was against French intervention in Mali, saying it could create further unrest in the region. He wanted a more “peaceful and developmental” approach to the crisis. As part of a foreign aid agreement, the US began delivering F-16 fighter jets to Egypt.


Rebels in northern Syria pin hopes on airbase’s downfall


Russia evacuated a small number of its citizens from Syria. It was not planning a mass evacuation. Government aircraft and tanks shelled rebel strongholds in Damascus. Rebels fought Kurds in the north.


More young Syrians disillusioned by the revolution


In Egypt, coalition of groups opposed to Islamists is fracturing

North Korea

North Korea rocket shows home-grown technology boost: South Korea


The head of the Arab League said UN envoy Brahimi’s mission to Syria has not yielded even a “flicker of hope.” Rebels fought government forces within half a mile from the center of Damascus. Russia said it would send planes to Lebanon to evacuate Russians from Syria.


The opposition National Coalition discussed the idea of a government-in-exile in Turkey. Syria’s foreign minister said any discussion of President Assad’s future was “unacceptable.” Government and rebel forces fought in eastern and southern Damascus.


Opposition groups called for anti-Muslim Brotherhood demonstrations for Jan. 25. Protesters clashed with police outside a courthouse in Alexandria where policemen are being tried for allegedly killing protesters. Police seized a truck carrying a ton of explosives that was on its way to Sinai.

North Korea

China and the US have agreed to a UN resolution condemning North Korea for its launch of a ballistic missile in December. The resolution is likely to be adopted by the UN Security Council next week.


A defecting air force pilot bombed government army positions. A French journalist was killed by sniper fire.


Iran courts restart of nuke talks, but snubs UN


US, Iran Running Low On Options Over Nuclear Program


Brotherhood Struggles to Exert Political Power in Egypt


Conservative Islamic political groups formed a coalition to contest upcoming parliamentary elections. The coalition plans to run independently from the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party. An Egyptian court dismissed cases against 379 people accused of taking part in deadly clashes with police.


UN inspectors and Iran failed to reach an agreement over inspection of a nuclear sites. The most important site is the Parchin military complex southeast of Tehran, where explosives testing for the nuclear weapons program is believed to have been carried out.


Islamists rallied against upcoming elections. They also demanded that King Abdullah II cede some powers and give them over to the parliament.


Gunmen ambushed the convoy of a Lebanese government minister in Tripoli, wounding three people. The attack occurred during a protest demanding the release of imprisoned Islamists.


Fierce fighting raged across the country. Kurd and radical Islamist groups fought in northern Syria. Two car bombs exploded in southern Syria, and a rocket hit a building in Aleppo. More than 1,000 people have been killed this week.


President Ahmadinejad said Iran needed to reduce its dependence on oil revenue to overcome economic sanctions. Iran’s state prosecutor said the two main opposition leaders were not competent to run for president in the June elections.


Egypt’s Morsi Says Slurs of Jews Were Taken Out of Context


Iran struggles to woo reluctant Egypt