Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


ISAF killed a wanted Saudi terrorist and an Afghan commander in Nuristan last week; both men have been linked to “Arab” elements of the insurgency. The Taliban killed four civilians in an IED attack in Farah.


Insurgents killed nine Iraqi civilians in attacks and bombings in and around Baghdad. In one attack, the mayor of Mahmudiyah and his son were killed after gunmen stormed their home. Three more civilians were killed at a bombing near an Internet cafe in the capital.


A suicide bomber killed eight people and wounded 25 more in an attack on an Interior Ministry convoy that was transporting a Qatari delegation. Shabaab claimed credit for the attack and another in the Daynille district in the capital.


An Afghan soldier killed two ISAF troops in the west. The Taliban killed five ISAF soldiers in Kandahar and another ISAF soldier in the north, and captured seven Afghan Local Policemen in Faryab.


Insurgents killed seven Iraqis in a bombing at a Sunni mosque in Baghdad. Al Qaeda killed two soldiers in Taji. Security forces detained a wanted al Qaeda leader in Mawahil and three al Qaeda propagandists in Anbar.


Shabaab’s emir called for more “martyrdom operations” against the Somali government. The United Nations established the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNAMIS). Security forces detained 70 suspected Shabaab fighters in Beledweyne.


Suicide bombers killed four soldiers in Ramadi and five Awakening fighters in Fallujah. Insurgents killed two Iraqi soldiers in an IED attack in Yusufiyah. The UN said that more people were killed in April than in any month since 2008.


A suicide bomber killed three Iraqis in Fallujah. Eight more people were killed in attacks elsewhere in Iraq. Royal Dutch Shell broke ground on a natural gas field in Basrah.


The Taliban assassinated a member of the High Peace Council in Helmand and captured 28 policemen in Faryab. Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Ghazni. Pakistani and Afghan troops clashed in Nangarhar.


General Abas, the Somali military commander in the south, said the security situation in Kismayo is deteriorating. A female suicide bomber was captured while attempting to attack a Kenyan base in Kismayo.


The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers and nine Afghan civilians in bombings in the south and north, and freed 10 Afghan soldiers who were captured in Badakhshan. Video of yesterday’s plane crash at Bagram has emerged on the Internet.


Insurgents killed six Iraqis in bombings in Baghdad and Nahmudiyah. Tribes in Anbar handed over 16 al Qaeda operatives to the government. Security forces captured eight al Qaeda fighters in Babil.


Shabaab claimed it killed five Kenyan soldiers in Jannaale and eight more in Kismayo. Somali troops killed five Shabaab fighters after taking control of El Garas. The Puntland government executed 13 Shabaab fighters in Bosasso.


Insurgents killed 36 Iraqis in a series of five bombings in the central and southern cities of Amara, Diwaniyah, Mahmudiyah, and Karbala. Iraq’s speaker of parliament said the government should resign and new elections should be held.


Shabaab fighters paraded in the coastal town of Barawe, which is currently under the al Qaeda group’s control. Last week, Shabaab assassinated Somalia’s deputy chief prosecutor in Mogadishu.


The interior minister claimed that security forces arrested hundreds of “Salafists” who are involved with funneling Tunisian recruits to Syria to wage jihad against President Assad’s regime. The Salafists recruited the men in mosques and operated under the guise of charities.


Four ISAF soldiers were killed when an aircraft crashed in Zabul. A policeman killed two of his colleagues in Paktia. The Taliban announced the start of the Khalid bin Waleed spring offensive. The departing French ambassador had harsh words about the situation in Afghanistan.


Sunni tribes in Anbar formed the “Army of Pride and Dignity” and are preparing to defend the province from government forces. Insurgents killed four soldiers in Ramadi and three policemen in Taji. Security forces killed a senior al Qaeda leader in Baqubah.


The Taliban killed 45 civilians in an IED attack in Kandahar. A policeman killed six of his colleagues in Takhar. A hail storm damaged 50 ISAF helicopters based at Kandahar Air Field.


Insurgents killed four civilians and wounded 46 more in a bombing at a mosque in Baghdad, and assassinated a police commander west of Kirkuk. Security forces detained nine wanted terrorists in Rubia near the Syrian border.


General Galal said that Somalia must adjust its strategy to combat Shabaab’s increasing use of guerilla warfare. American jihadist Omar Hammami claimed he was wounded by a would-be Shabaab assassin.