Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Forty-three Iraqis were killed after two bombs were detonated outside of a Sunni mosque in Baqubah. The second bomb was detonated after people rushed to help the victims of the first blast.


Security forces killed 13 Shabaab fighters while repelling assaults in the towns of Farwaley and Ara As. Four civilians were killed as Shabaab launched attacks in El Barde.


The Nigerian military is launching airstrikes against Boko Haram camps and strongholds in the northern states where a state of emergency has been imposed. Thousands of soldiers have been deployed, and the military hopes to prevent the Islamist fighters from fleeing the country.


A Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin suicide bomber killed 6 Americans and nine Afghans in an attack in Kabul. Special operations forces targeted an al Qaeda-linked Taliban commander in Kunar province.


Insurgents killed 28 Iraqis in attacks in Baghdad, Kirkuk, and Tarmiyah. Security forces detained six members of an Al Nusrah Front cell in Al Qaim and six al Qaeda fighters in Siniya.


Insurgents killed 35 Iraqis in a string of bombings, including a suicide attack, in Baghdad, Mosul, and Kirkuk. Al Qaeda fighters killed two Awakening members near Abu Ghraib. Security forces captured an al Qaeda leader in Fallujah.


Oman reportedly paid a $50 million ransom for the release of an Austrian and two Finnish nationals. The European hostages were being held by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Four million dollars was paid to “tribal negotiators/intermediaries.”


The Taliban killed four US soldiers in Kandahar and three Georgian soldiers and three civilians in Helmand in IED attacks over the past 24 hours. The Taliban forced 40 schools in Zabul to shut down. More than 150 schoolgirls and five teachers were poisoned in Herat.


Insurgents killed 11 people in attacks on liquor stores in Baghdad, three Awakening fighters in Tarmiyah, and a cleric in Basrah. Police arrested five al Qaeda fighters north of Hillah.


The parents of Shabaab’s emir and a top commander were detained by the authorities in Somaliland. Security forces detained two Shabaab propagandists in Baidoa. Two soldiers were killed in an internecine clash in Baidoa.


Security forces detained three al Qaeda operatives in Sana’a and disrupted a bomb plot in Aden. Two Red Cross workers, one from Kenya and the other from Switzerland, were kidnapped in Jaar.


A suicide bomber killed three people in an attack outside the home of an intelligence general in Mosul. Al Qaeda killed a colonel in Al Qaim. Two Iraqi soldiers and three “gunmen” were killed in fighting north of Mosul. The Defense Ministry said it would provide support to tribes that fight al Qaeda in Anbar.


A suicide bomber killed three people in Kapisa. Fifteen Taliban fighters and a police commander were killed in fighting in Laghman. Police killed four Taliban fighters in Ghazni. The Taliban kidnapped 11 deminers in Nangarhar.


Three people were killed in a bombing at a Sunni mosque in Mahaweel. Security forces captured two al Qaeda operatives involved in the assassination of Member of Parliament Aifan al Issawi. The government executed three al Qaeda operatives who were convicted on terrorism charges.


More than 3,000 African Union soldiers have been killed while fighting Shabaab since deploying in 2009; Uganda and Burundi have made up the bulk of AU forces over the years. Shabaab and a pro-government militia battled in Kismayo.


President Karzai said the US wants to maintain nine military bases in Afghanistan following the end of NATO combat operations in 2014. He said the US is requesting bases in Kabul, Bagram, Mazar-e-Sharif, Jalalabad, Gardez, Kandahar, Helmand, Shindand, and Herat, but Afghanistan must first be granted security guarantees.


Insurgents killed three university students in Baghdad and two soldiers in Diyala. Security forces killed a suicide bomber before he could attack a police station in Mosul and detained seven wanted men in Wasit.


Al Qaeda gunned down a police officer in the provincial capital of Lahj. A Finnish couple and an Austrian were freed after an undisclosed ransom was paid. President Hadi warned that al Qaeda is “recuperating.”


Police killed eight protesters, who are said to have been infiltrated by “militants,” at an anti-Pakistani demonstration. Militants killed three truck drivers during the protest. The Taliban killed five Afghan soldiers and a policeman in Farah, and three civilians in an IED attack in Helmand.


A suicide bomber killed a Kurdish security guard in Kirkuk. Gunmen killed three Iraqi policemen in Fallujah. Jordan and Iraq are starting work on an oil pipeline from Basrah to Aqaba.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down three Yemeni pilots outside of the Al Anad airbase in Lahj province. Gunmen kidnapped two Egyptian workers and two Indian Red Cross aid workers in Abyan.


The Taliban killed a police officer and wounded three more in an IED attack in Kunduz. President Karzai said the international community has failed to secure Afghanistan. Unemployment in Afghanistan rose by 500,000 over the past year.


Security forces captured a senior al Qaeda leader in Mahmudiyah just two days after he entered Iraq from Syria, and three al Qaeda fighters who were transporting IEDs in Anbar. Two people were killed in a bombing at a mosque in Abu Ghraib.