Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Eight Taliban fighters and four civilians were killed after a bomb detonated prematurely outside of a mosque in Ghazni; the Taliban had stopped to pray at the mosque. A suicide bomber killed only himself in a premature detonation in Kabul


Insurgents killed five soldiers, including a lieutenant colonel, in an IED attack in Hit, and five civilians in another bombing in Samarra. A cleric was gunned down in his hom in Mosul. Police and Awakening fighters captured three “terrorists” from Syria in Fallujah.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took control of several villages outside of Mukallah in Hadramout province. AQAP fighters killed a policeman and a civilian at a checkpoint in Al Shihr in Hadramout.


The military said it has seized control of all of Boko Haram’s camps in central and northern Borno; six children and three women who were being held as hostages were freed. Boko Haram fighters killed a security official in Maiduguri.


French special forces and Nigerian troops killed the last two members of the Mokhtar Belmokhtar group’s suicide assault team that attacked a military barracks in Agadez. Two cadets were also killed during the raid. In all, 10 Islamist fighters, 24 Nigerien troops, and a civilian were killed in the suicide assaults in Agadez and at […]


Seven Marines and five Abu Sayyaf fighters were killed during a clash on the island of Sulu; nine Marines were also wounded. The troops were tracking a group of Abu Sayyaf fighters behind kidnappings in the area.


A Taliban suicide assault team targeted a UN-linked NGO compound in Kabul; five Taliban fighters, a Nepalese guard, and an Afghan policemen were killed during the fighting, which lasted for seven hours. The Taliban killed four policemen in an attack in Helmand.


A government official claimed that 12 Shabaab fighters were killed after clashing with a group of nomads in Beledweyne. Three Ethiopian soldiers were seriously wounded in an IED attack in Beledweyne.


Mokhtar Belmokhtar said that his Those Who Sign in Blood Brigade carried out yesterday’s suicide attacks in Niger along with the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa. Belmokhtar also promised more attacks in Niger if the government does not withdraw its military from Mali.


A suicide bomber killed seven people in an attack that targeted a local militia commander in Ghazni. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Kandahar and Herat, and two Haqqani Network commanders and three fighters in Paktia. ISAF claimed that the Afghan Air Force can conduct independent air operations.


Ten people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and Ethiopian forces in Beledweyne. A Puntland court sentenced seven men to death for the murder of a prominent cleric. An AMISOM spokesman denied a UN claim that more than 3,000 soldiers were killed while battling Shabaab.


The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa claimed credit for a pair of suicide attacks. In one attack, five members of a suicide assault team assaulted a barracks in Agadez, killing 18 soldiers and a civilian. In another attack, a suicide bomber attacked workers at a uranium mine in Arlit.

American killed in US drone strike, US Attorney General says

Jude Kenan Mohammed was the eighth member of Daniel Boyd’s terror cell in North Carolina. He traveled to Pakistan in 2008, was arrested, skipped bail, and is thought to have traveled to Pakistan’s tribal areas. He may have been killed in a strike in 2011 that occurred in an area controlled by the Haqqani Network.


The Taliban launched small-scale attacks against several police outposts in the Sangin district in Helmand province; 26 Taliban fighters, including “Pakistanis and Chechens,” and 10 policemen were killed in the clashes over the past two days. Six security guards at a dam in Herat were killed in an IED attack. Eighty schoolgirls were poisoned in […]


More than 20 Iraqis were killed in a series of bombings and attacks across the country. Three Iraqi soldiers were killed in a complex suicide assault in Tarmiyah. Security forces arrested three wanted terrorists in Samarra. An al Qaeda operative was sentenced to life in prison for attacks that killed civilians.


Shabaab claimed it killed seven Kenyan troops in Fahfahdhun and five African Union “crusaders” in Mogadishu. The military commander in Juba said that there are no government troops in the former Shabaab stronghold of Kismayo.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed the head of the provincial council in Baghlan and 13 Afghans. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters in Paktika and two more in Wardak.


US drones killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters as they drove a motorcycle in the Khobza area of Baydah province. The strike is the second in four days. General Ahmed Ali Saleh, the former commander of the Republican Guards, was sworn in as ambassador to the UAE.


Eighty-seven Iraqis were killed in a series of bombings in Baghdad, Balad, Basrah, and Samara; 48 of those were killed in a series of blasts at markets in Baghdad. The bodies of 13 Iraqis, including eight policemen, who were kidnapped last week, were found; the men were executed.


The Taliban killed nine people and wounded dozens more in a secured upscale neighborhood in Kandahar, and killed two more Afghans in bombings in Khost and Paktika. The Taliban assassinated a district police chief in Farah.


Insurgents killed 16 people, including four Awakening fighters and three soldiers, in attacks throughout the country. Ten policemen were kidnapped in Ramadi. Police arrested six wanted terrorists south of Kirkuk.


US drones killed four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in the Al Mahfad area of Abyan; the strike is the first in Yemen in a month. Five Yemeni journalists have been kidnapped in Marib province over the past week.


Security forces killed nine Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Paktika province and seven more in Ghazni. Russia is considering deploying troops to the Afghan-Tajik border, citing a “general destabilization of the situation” in northern Afghanistan.