Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Twenty Taliban fighters and three soldiers were killed during fighting in Arakzai. The Taliban killed a member of a police committee in Peshawar, and killed a security official and bombed a girls’ school in Bannu.


The Taliban denied that its fighters attacked a Red Cross office in Jalalabad with suicide four bombers. The Red Cross has suspended work in Afghanistan. Members of an anti-Taliban uprising in Ghazni claimed their group killed 25 enemy fighters. Afghan forces killed seven Taliban fighters in Logar.


The UN’s special representative to Iraq said that “systemic violence is ready to explode at any moment ….” In May, more than 1,000 Iraqis were killed in a series of attacks against both Sunnis and Shiites throughout the country. The month of April was the deadliest in Iraq in over five years, with more than […]


Shabaab forces attacked an Ethiopian and Somali base in El Berde, the only town in Bakool under government control. Shabaab claimed to have killed six Ugandan troops in Balidogle. A senior government official was gunned down in the former Shabaab stronghold of Jowhar.


Security forces killed three Taliban fighters in Kunduz while attempting to capture a Taliban commander involved in making suicide vests. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the east. A US soldier who murdered 16 Afghan civilians in Kandahar in 2012 will plead guilty to avoid the death penalty.


Insurgents killed 33 Iraqis in a series of attacks in Baghdad, Mosul, and Tal Afar. Three attacks were executed by suicide bombers; the governor of Anbar escaped one of those attacks. The tribes in Anbar said al Qaeda is “a malicious attempt to undermine national unity between Sunni and Shia Iraqis.”


Security forces arrested three Lebanese Hezbollah members over the past two weeks. The Hezbollah operatives stored weapons and planned attacks against Western and Israeli targets. The military claimed Boko Haram is in “disarray.”


US drones killed seven people in the first strike in Pakistan in six weeks. Waliur Rehman, the emir of Taliban forces in South Waziristan, is rumored to have been killed but the reports are unconfirmed. Polio vaccination aid workers were pelted with stones in Hangu.


The Taliban claimed credit for a suicide assault on the governor’s compound in Panjshir; six memebrs of the assault team and a guard were killed. Three members of a suicide assault team and a guard were killed during an attack on a Red Cross office in Jalalabad.


Insurgents killed 26 Iraqis in a series of attacks and bombings in Baghdad, Baqubah, and in Anbar near the border with Syria. Security forces arrested 16 “terrorists” in Salahaddin. The central government announced near security measures to deal with al Qaeda and other armed groups.

US launches first drone strike in Pakistan in 6 weeks

The strike in North Waziristan killed seven people in an area administered by the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani Network. Senior Taliban commander Waliur Rehman is rumored to have been killed. The program had been put on hold for “political considerations.”


The Taliban killed a police chief and and four policemen in an IED attack in Shangla, the son of a peace committee in a bombing in Swat, and a female anti-polio aid worker in a shooting in Peshawar. Security forces detained 14 suspects in the Peshawar attack. The WHO has suspended polio vaccinations in Peshawar.


Two Taliban infiltrators killed seven Afghan policemen in Kandahar. The Taliban killed five bodyguards for a wireless communications company executive in an IED attack in Kabul, three soldiers in Helmand, three policemen in Jawzjan and three more in Kandahar. The secretary for the chairman of the senate was gunned down in Nangarhar.


Insurgents killed over 50 Iraqis yesterday and 22 more today, including four Iraqi soldiers, in attacks throughout Iraq. Security forces killed three al Qaeda fighters in That Thar and detained three more in Albu Kamal as they crossed the border from Syria.


Two South African tourists were kidnapped in the city of Taiz. The Iranian government strongly protested claims by Yemen’s foreign minister that it is smuggling weapons into Yemen.


Security forces claimed that a courier who worked for Boko Haram’s emir, Abubakar Shekau, was killed while trying to cross into Niger. Shekau claimed victory over the military and said Boko Haram dodged the sweeping operation in the north.


Muslim insurgents gunned down two Rangers as they patrolled in the Mae Lan district in Pattani province. The chief of Thailand’s National Security Council blamed the uptick in violence in the south on insurgents who wish to sabotage peace talks.


Afghan officials said that 15 Taliban fighters were killed during fighting in Farah. Coalition and Afghan forces killed 19 Taliban fighters in eastern Afghanistan. The Taliban gunned down a member of Logar’s High Peace Council.


Insurgents killed eight Iraqis in attacks throughout the country. Among those killed were four civilians and a policeman in Baghdad, two Iraqi soldiers in Haditha, and another soldier in Fallujah.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed a captain who commanded the Special Security Forces in Hadramout. The AQAP fighters gunned down the captain from a motorbike with a silenced weapon.


Shabaab claimed it killed eight Kenyan soldiers and captured two more during a raid in Dhamajale. Heavy fighting was reported between Shabaab and government forces south of Dhobley.