Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The emir of the Islamic State of Iraq rejected Ayman al Zawahiri’s order to allow the Al Nusrah Front to remain its own group. Insurgents killed three soldiers in Al Qaim. Security forces captured six al Qaeda fighters near Tikrit.


Somali soldiers and a militia clashed in Kismayo; 14 fighters from both sides are reported to have been killed. Shabaab’s administrator for Bula Barde is said to have died after being wounded during fighting in the region.


Police in Islamabad arrested Abdullah Umar, an al Qaeda operative who is thought to have been behind the murder of the prosecutor who was investigating the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto as well as terrorists involved in the 2008 attack on Mumbai, India. Security forces in Chaman captured a “militant” and seized suicide […]


The Taliban killed eight civilians in an IED attack in Khost, four more in a mortar attack in Wardak, three soldiers in Badghis, a policeman and a tribal leader in Herat, and a policeman in Paktika.


The interior ministry claimed that 50 Taliban fighters were killed in operations throughout Afghanistan. Six Afghan policemen were killed in a suspected insider attack in the Musa Qala district in Helmand.


Security forces killed three al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in an operation in Abu Saida near Baqubah. Al Qaeda is suspected of executing a candidate for office in Ninewa; the gunmen used a silenced weapon.


Tribesmen killed a Yemeni soldier and bombed an oil export pipeline in the Sarwah region near Sana’a. Security forces captured a Yemeni and a Saudi al Qaeda fighter in Sheikh Othman in Aden province.


The Taliban killed eight Afghan soldiers and four civilians in attacks throughout the country. Georgia is withdrawing its troops from three bases in Helmand after last week’s suicide attack that killed seven soldiers.


A suicide bomber killed 16 civilians in an attack that targeted workers outside of Afghanistan’s supreme court building in Kabul. The Taliban executed a man accused of kidnapping and murdering a child in Herat.


A military intelligence unit captured two al Qaeda in Iraq leaders during a raid in Al Riyadh south of Kirkuk. Security forces also broke up a plot to bomb three oil wells in northern Kirkuk; three IEDs planted on the wells were dismantled.


The Anti-Terrorism Unit tracked down and killed a suspect who is said to be behind a grenade attack in Nairobi that wounded four people. The Shabaab suspect was killed in the Eastleigh neighborhood. More than 500 Kenyans are thought to have waged jihad in Somali with Shabaab.


The Taliban launched suicide assaults in Kabul and Zabul; all 13 members of the two suicide teams were killed by police. The Taliban beheaded two boys in Kandahar and killed an ISAF soldier in the east.


Insurgents killed more than 70 Iraqis in a series of attacks, which included suicide bombings, in Iraq. Among those killed was Sheikh Abdul Rahman Rashid al Issawi, the leader of the Awakening in Fallujah. Security forces arrested an al Qaeda leader in the Thar Thar area south of Samarra.


Security forces captured Omar Ashour, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s commander in the in Ghail Bawazir district, and his son Abdullah, in the Shahir district in Hadramout province. The two were captured at a checkpoint and are thought to have been preparing to leave the country.


Security forces killed two Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan fighters in Sar-i-Pul and captured four Pakistani fighters in Panjshir. ISAF denied that its forces killed children in an airstrike that targeted a Taliban commander in Badakhshan.


The US killed an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander and five fighters in a drone strike in Al Jawf province. Security guards killed seven Houthis outside of a intelligence headquarters in Sana’a.


Seven people were wounded in a grenade attack at a church in Mombasa. Three more people were wounded in a bombing in the Eastleigh neighborhood, an area in Nairobi that is know to have Shabaab sympathizers.


The minister of state for foreign affairs castigated a US Embassy official for a drone strike, and called the US attacks a “violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” Yesterday’s drone strike in North Waziristan killed six “militants.”


Two Afghan soldiers killed two US troops and a civilian adviser in an insider attack in Paktika. An Afghan Local Policeman killed seven of his colleagues in Helmand. An Afghan Local Police commander and several of his officers defected to the Taliban in Farah.


Insurgents killed three Iraqis in a bombing in Baghdad, and executed an Awakening member who was kidnapped in Kirkuk. Security forces arrested three members of a gang linked to al Qaeda in Baghdad. The Awakening issued a fatwa against Iraqis fighting in Syria.


Shabaab claimed it killed four Burundian troops in an ambush in Baidoa. Two people were killed in an IED attack that targeted a senior government official in Mogadishu.