Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Taliban killed six schoolchildren in an IED attack in Helmand, the senior female police officer in Helmand in a shooting outside of her home, a police officer in Nangarhar, and an ISAF soldier in the west. Three aid workers were kidnapped in Herat.


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The World Health Organization said that 71 people have been killed and more than 300 more have been wounded during recent fighting in Kismayo. Colonel Bare Hirale said he will retake Kismayo by force.


Seven civilians and three insurgents were killed in bombings and fighting in Baghdad. Security forces captured five al Qaeda fighters in Kirkuk. Russia is selling Iraq $4.2 billion in weapons.


US drones killed six Haqqani Network fighters in a strike in Danday Darpa Khel in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed six Frontier Corps troops in an attack in Peshawar.


Four Nepalese security guards and three Afghans were killed in a Taliban suicide assault in Kabul. Three Taliban fighters and a member of the Afghan Local Police were killed in a clash in Kunduz. The Taliban killed three civilians in an IED attack in Farah.


Insurgents killed at least 53 Iraqis in a series of attacks throughout the country. Among those killed were two policemen and 28 civilians in Baghdad, four policemen and seven terrorists in Baaj, and an Awakening fighter and three civilians in Abu Ghraib. Also a suicide bomber killed four people at a funeral in Baqubah.


The Ministry of the Interior said that more than 300 Afghan policemen were killed during the month of June. The Taliban killed a district police chief in an IED attack in Baghlan. The NDS killed a suicide bomber in Kabul and captured a Pakistani suicide bomber in Nangarhar.


A suicide bomber killed 22 Iraqis in an attack inside a Shia mosque in Muqdadiyah. Eight Awakening members in Tarmiyah were kidnapped and then executed. Iraqi troops destroyed an al Qaeda “base” near the Syrian border.


Twelve soccer players and fans were killed in a bombing at a match in Nahrawan. Al Qaeda kidnapped and executed an Awakening leader, and then stuffed his corpse with explosives. Security forces captured an al Qaeda leader in Mosul and seven members of a cell in Nukhaib.


The government jailed Hassan Dahir Aweys and several tribal leaders after they flew to Mogadishu. Kenyan troops in Kismayo reportedly backed the Ras Kamboni militia in its fight against another militia led by Colonel Bare Hirale.


President Karzai described the opening of the Taliban’s office in Qatar, with US assistance, as an “anti-Afghan conspiracy.” He then called the Taliban his “brothers.” The Afghan military claimed 36 Taliban fighters were killed during operations in Ghazni and Wardak.


Al Qaeda killed 11 Awakening fighters and recovery personnel in a double bombing at a checkpoint in Zangoura. A suicide bomber killed four people at a funeral in Dujail. Four more people were killed in a bombing near a soccer field in Madeen.


Shabaab commander Hassan Dahir Aweys has not surrendered to the government and said he will not negotiate with the Somali government. Kenya troops arrested senior Somali officials in Kismayo.


Insurgents killed 22 Iraqis in a series of bombings in coffee shops and cafes in Baghdad, Baqubah, and Jbela. Al Qaeda killed a three-year-old girl in an IED attack in Madeen. Iraqi soldiers killed two suicide bombers as they attempted to attack a command center in Anbar.


Senior Shabaab leader Hassan Dahir Aweys was reportedly captured by pirates in Barawe. Another report indicates he will surrender to government officials and reconcile. Shabaab claimed it killed “14 enemy invaders and 23 apostate militia.”


The Taliban killed five members of the Afghan Local Police in Faryab and two policemen in Nangarhar. Fifty schoolgirls were poisoned in Paktia. Seventeen Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Herat.