Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Al Qaeda in Iraq launched suicide assaults on prisons in Abu Ghraib and Taji; more than 500 al Qaeda leaders and fighters escaped Abu Ghraib, while the attack on Taji was defeated. Twenty-six policemen and 10 al Qaeda fighters were killed. A suicide bomber killed 23 Iraqi soldiers and two civilians in Mosul.


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Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters in Panjwai. The Taliban killed six people in Khost. Six policemen, two Taliban fighters, and a civilian were killed in fighting in Paktika.


Insurgents killed 14 people in attacks in Kirkuk, Taji, and Hillah. Al Qaeda in Iraq launched attacks on prisons in Abu Ghraib and Taji in an attempt to free high-level leaders.


“Gunmen” kidnapped an Iranian diplomat as he was driving his car in the capital of Sana’a. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters gunned down a member of the Popular Resistance Committees in Mudia in Abyan province.


Enlisting Damascus Residents to Answer Assad’s Call


Fifteen “militants” and four Pakistani troops were killed during military operations in Khyber. Two people were killed in two blasts in Karachi. Prime Minister Sharif said that Pakistan is not taking sides in Afghanistan and supports peace in the neighboring country.


The Taliban killed 15 people, including seven policemen and a intelligence official, in a series of attacks in Helmand province, and eight more civilians in bombings in Kandahar and Paktia. Security forces killed 19 Taliban fighters during two separate raids in Herat.


Security forces arrested three al Qaeda in Iraq members in Fallujah. The government will hand over 20 “members of fanatic religious groups” in custody to Jordan. The Iraqi counterterrorism chief claimed that 90 percent of Iraq’s terrorists have passed through Camp Bucca prison.


Unnamed officials claimed that security forces killed Abu Al Walid Tuhami, a deputy emir in al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, during an ambush. Tuhami has served with Algerian jihadists since 2002.


Security forces killed five “militants” in helicopter airstrikes in Khyber. The Taliban killed two Frontier Corps troops in Khyber. Two policemen and two civilians were gunned down in Karachi.


An al Qaeda suicide bomber killed 20 people in a blast inside a Sunni mosque in Wajihiyah, just north of Baqubah. Security forces uncovered an al Qaeda weapons cache near the Iraqi-Syrian border in Anbar province.


Thirty-six Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed during a clash in Ghazni. The Taliban killed eight Afghan workers as they headed to a US base in Logar, and killed three policemen in Kunduz.


Insurgents killed nine Iraqis in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Kirkuk, Wajihiyah, Dujail, and Balad. The government refused to reconcile with the Jaish al Mukhtar, a Hezbollah linked “outlawed militia.”


Shabaab killed an Africa Union soldier and a civilian in an IED attack in Kismayo. The deputy mayor of BaIdoa was seriously wounded after government forces clashed in the city. Ethiopian forces withdrew from Baidoa just two days ago.


The Taliban killed four members of pro-government militias in separate attacks in Khyber, Bajaur, and Tank. Security forces captured a suspected Taliban fighter who was involved in an attack that wounded a senior judge on the Sindh High Court and killed his driver.


The Taliban killed seven Afghan soldiers and the brother of President Karzai’s national security advisor in separate attacks. Afghan officials claimed that 15 Taliban fighters were killed in an ISAF airstrike in Logar. A district chief in Nangarhar was dismissed after complaining about the rise of Taliban activity in the province.


Insurgents killed four youths as they were swimming in a stream in Wajihiya. Security forces captured an al Qaeda leader near Mosul. A court sentenced an al Qaeda leader who brutally murdered Iraqis in Baghdad to hang.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released a martyrdom statement for Said al Shihri, the terror group’s deputy emir. He was killed in a US drone strike in Yemen. Al Shihri was a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay.


Shabaab claimed it killed seven Ugandan “invaders” in an attack in Jannaale. Amniyat, Shabaab’s intelligence service, is in charge of protecting Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr, Shabaab’s emir.


Three Iraqi soldiers and four al Qaeda fighters were killed during clashes and bombings in Tikrit and Mosul. Security forces killed an al Qaeda fighter and detained 10 more in Mahmudiyah; six soldiers were wounded during the raid.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula executed a man in Lahj who is accused of being a homosexual. Two Dutch hostages appeared on a video and warned they would be executed in 10 days if the kidnapper’s demands are not met.