Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Yesterday, Shabaab claimed it killed 12 “African Crusaders” in a series of seven bombings in the port town of Marka. The military executed via firing squad four soldiers who were convicted of murder.


The Afghan military claimed that more than 100 Taliban fighters and nine Afghan soldiers were killed during an operation to clear the Taliban from areas of Logar and Paktia. The Taliban killed three civilians in an IED attack in Farah and an ISAF soldier in a firefight in central Afghanistan.


A suicide bomber killed eight members of a Kurdish security force during an attack on a patrol in Tuz Khurmatu. Four civilians were killed in two separate bombings in Baghdad. A bombing at a pipeline in northern Iraq shut down oil exports to Turkey.


The US killed six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike that targeted a vehicle as it traveled in the Al Mahfad area in Abyan province. The strike is the first in seven weeks. An intelligence report from the United Kingdom described AQAP as al Qaeda’s “most innovative” affiliate.


The government claimed that ISAF killed 45 Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Helmand; ISAF claimed it killed 17 in Nimroz. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in Khost and wounded the governor of Samagan province.


Prime Minister Maliki ordered the arrest of several senior police, prison, and intelligence officials after the al Qaeda prison breakout at Abu Ghraib. Two al Qaeda inmates who escaped from Abu Ghraib died after a bomb they were transporting detonated prematurely. Security forces detained seven al Qaeda fighters in Ninewa province.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters gunned down a former senior government official in Abyan. Three men were detained by Yemeni border guards after wounding a Saudi soldier while attempting to cross into Saudi Arabia.


Benghazi hero fought alongside fallen SEALs, still recovering at Walter Reed


Jundallah claimed credit for a suicide assault that killed four ISID personnel, including the group’s deputy director in Sukkur. The mutilated bodies of 21 “militants” were found in Khyber. The bodyguard and the driver for the Deputy Commander of Frontier Reserve Police were killed in an attack in Peshawar.


Nine Taliban fighters and two security personnel were killed in Logar. The Taliban killed four people in bombings in Kunduz and Jawzjan, and captured 12 policemen in Zabul; the incident was facilitated by an insider.


Al Qaeda fighters executed 14 Shia truck drivers at a fake checkpoint near Sulaiman Pak. The bodies of four policemen kidnapped in Badoush have been found. Security forces captured five al Qaeda fighters in Habbaniyah. The government offered an $86,000 reward for al Qaeda’s war minister.


Tribesmen kidnapped two Yemeni soldiers as they were traveling to their base in Daleh, and bombed the main oil pipeline in Marib. The US is unhappy that the Yemeni government pardoned a journalist who has been linked to al Qaeda.


One person was killed in a car bombing that targeted a politician in Mogadishu. The government executed two Shabaab fighters convicted of assassinating the Mufti of Puntland. Shabaab continues to claim it assassinated the CIA’s chief of operations in East Africa.


The military claimed that 35 Taliban fighters were killed during an offensive in the northern province of Faryab. The Taliban killed three civilians in an IED attack in Badghis.


Al Qaeda killed 14 people in attacks throughout Iraq; nine policemen were killed in an assault on a police headquarters outside of Mosul. Security forces captured an al Qaeda leader in Kirkuk and five fighters in Salahuddin.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed three US soldiers and a translator in Wardak; the Taliban claimed it killed 31 US soldiers in two suicide attacks in Wardak and Ghazni. Eight Afghan soldiers and six Taliban fighters were killed in separate attacks.


Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for the suicide assaults on two prisons that freed more than 500 terrorist commanders and fighters. Security forces captured six al Qaeda fighters in Tikrit. Parliament’s foreign relations committee asked Iran to halt the flow of al Qaeda and “Iranian-backed militants” into Iraq.


Eleven people have died from polio in the Hiran region; 71 cases of the deadly disease have been reported in Somalia. Security forces arrested a suspected Shabaab fighter who is accused of planting an IED that killed five people in Kismayo.


Five Taliban fighters and two members of the Afghan Local Police were killed in fighting in Laghman. The Taliban killed four soldiers in an IED attack in Zabul. Taliban members are eligible to receive voting identification cards. Denmark pulled the last of its combat troops from Afghanistan, well ahead of the planned withdrawal date of […]