Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Five Taliban fighters and a policemen were killed in a clash in Farah. The Taliban killed a judge and three civilians in Kunduz and Bamyan. Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Uruzgan, captured seven suicide bombers and fighters in Kabul, and detained five Taliban fighters in Baghlan.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters gunned down a Yemeni intelligence officer in Baydah. US drones are reported to have patrolled the skies over Sana’a as foreign embassies remained on lockdown due to a potential terror plot.


A suicide assault team killed nine children in a failed attack on the Indian consulate in Jalalabad in Nangarhar province. No group has claimed credit for the attack. The Haqqani Network, backed by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, has conducted attacks on Indian interests in the past.


The US issued the order to close 22 diplomatic facilities across the Muslim world after receiving intelligence in Yemen of a plot by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. France, Britain, and Germany will also close their embassies on Aug. 4. One person was killed after former Republican Guards troops clashed with Presidential Guards soldiers […]


A senior Army general survived a blast in Diyala that killed nine soldiers. Two Awakening fighters, two policemen, and six civilians were killed in separate attacks across the country. Security forces killed two al Qaeda leaders in Salahuddin.


Afghan officials claimed that 76 Taliban fighters, 22 policemen, and seven civilians were killed during two days of fighting in Nangarhar province; the Taliban claimed 84 policemen were killed. The Taliban killed a senior Afghan Army officer in Logar, three soldiers in Badghis, a policeman and two civilians in Faryab, and seven civilians in Kandahar.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed five soldiers and two police officers in three attacks in Kirkuk and Mosul, and an Awakening leader in Fallujah. Security forces killed two suicide bombers in Mosul.


US drones killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike at a training camp in the Qatan Valley in Hadramout province. President Hadi is in the US to discuss security issues with Defense Secretary Hagel.


A suicide bomber killed seven people at a Shia mosque in Baghdad; two more people were killed outside of another mosque in the capital. Security forces killed 10 al Qaeda fighters during a raid on a hideout in the Jazeera desert in Salahuddin.


Shabaab freed two Kenyans who were kidnapped in northern Kenya and have been held for more than 18 months. Shabaab fighters also gunned down a farmer in Moqokori.

Al Nusrah Front launches joint assaults with numerous Syrian rebel groups

In one attack in Idlib, al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria claimed that “2,000 fully-equipped mujahideen” from eight different “brigades” fielded “8 tanks, a BMP armored vehicle,” and an assortment of mortars, rockets, machine guns, and other heavy weapons to overrun Syrian military forces. Free Syrian Army units participated in the attack.


The Taliban assaulted a prison in Dera Ismail Khan and freed more than 200 prisoners and killed six security personnel. Eight “militants” and two soldiers were killed in Darra Adam Khel. A policeman was killed during a militant attack on polio vaccination workers in Pishin.


The military claimed it recaptured 349 of the 559 prisoners who escaped from Abu Ghraib during a complex al Qaeda in Iraq-led jailbreak; the military also said another 105 were killed during clashes. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for yesterday’s bombings in Baghdad, Basrah, and Al Kut.


The US killed a Saudi and two Yemeni al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives in a drone strike in Shabwa province. A Saudi diplomat claimed that Iran is smuggling weapons to Shia Houthi rebels via the neighboring country of Oman.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb killed four soldiers in two separate attacks. A captain was gunned down in Kabylie, while three soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Meziraa.


Security forces detained 42 suspected Boko Haram fighters during raids in the states of Lagos and Ogun. Intelligence indicates that Boko Haram is moving some of its fighters to the south. Armed militias, supported by the military, continue to patrol Maiduguri in an attempt to protect neighborhoods from Boko Haram.


The US killed four “Arab” and four Taliban fighters in a drone strike in the Shawal Valley in North Waziristan. The military killed “an al Qaeda-linked foreign militant” and five fighters as they attacked a checkpoint in Thall.


The Taliban killed an Afghan Local Police commander, two officers, and six civilians in a bombing in Zabul. More than 80 British military advisers assisted the Afghan military in an operation to keep the Taliban from retaking control of the Sangin district in Helmand.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 40 civilians in a series of bombings in predominantly Shia neighborhoods in Baghdad. Bombings killed 11 more civilians in Al Kut and Basrah. More than 500 Iraqis have been killed in terrorist attacks this month.