Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed five worshippers in a bombing at a mosque in Madain and two policemen in an attack in Kirkuk. Iraqi special forces captured five al Qaeda fighters in a remote area of Babil.


A Yemeni newspaper reported that Ibrahim al Asiri, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s master bombmaker, may have been wounded in the Aug. 10 drone strike in Lahj. Yemen’s spokesman in Washington denied al Asiri was wounded or killed.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 26 people in bombings and attacks in Balad, Baqubah, and Fallujah. The attack in Fallujah was carried out by a suicide bomber; five soldiers were killed. Security forces in Mosul killed a suicide bomber before he could detonate his explosives.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed seven people in a series of bombings and attacks throughout Iraq. Dozens of tribal leaders in Anbar province vowed not to shelter al Qaeda leaders and fighters who escaped from Abu Ghraib prison last month.


US drones killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in Lahj. AQAP fighters killed five soldiers in an attack at a checkpoint outside of the Balhaf liquefied natural gas export terminal in Hadramout province.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 69 people in a wave of car bombings in major cities throughout Iraq. In one attack, a suicide bomber killed 8 people in an attack in Tuz Khurmatu. The body of a wanted al Qaeda leader was found in Babil.


Four “gunmen” killed 10 people in an attack during Eid prayers at a mosque in Quetta. No group has claimed credit for the attack. Security guards killed a would-be suicide bomber outside of a Shia mosque in Islamabad.


A suicide bomber killed 30 people, including at least 21 policemen, in an attack at a funeral for a police officer at a mosque in Quetta. Four senior police officials were among those killed in the blast.


The Taliban killed 14 women and children in a bombing at a graveyard in Nangarhar. President Karzai said the Taliban should open a political office in Afghanistan.


Al Qaeda killed a policeman, his wife, and three children in an attack on his home in Tikrit; eight more people were killed in a car bombing outside of his home. An al Qaeda bombmaker died in a premature detonation. Police killed an al Qaeda fighter and captured two more on a boat on the […]


US drones killed six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives and two civilians in a pair of strikes in Hadramout province. Yemeni officials are denying that AQAP plotted to take over the city of Mukallah and two petroleum export facilities.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 17 people, including four policemen in attacks throughout the country. The death toll from yesterday’s attack across the country rose to 42.


US drones struck for the fifth time in 11 days, killing seven al Qaeda operatives in a strike in Shabwa province. The government said it foiled an al Qaeda plot to take control of the provincial capital of Mukallah and seize the Balhaf and Al Dabbah gas and oil export facilities.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 12 people in bombings in Baghdad, a policeman in a shooting a Fallujah, and two more civilians in a bombing in Khanaqin. Security forces captured a senior al Qaeda leader during a series of raids in western Anbar province.


The Taliban killed four civilians in an IED attack in Kandahar. The NDS captured 52 Pakistanis in Afghanistan over the past four months. The Taliban denied that two senior commanders were killed during recent fighting in Nangarhar.


Insurgents killed four Iraqis in a bombing in Baghdad and two more in a shooting in Madain. Muqtada al Sadr is rumored to have shut down his political office and withdrawn from politics.


Seventeen Boko Haram fighters and a policemen were killed when the Islamist group attacked a police station in Bama. Fifteen more Boko Haram fighters and two soldiers were killed in a clash in Malam Fatori.