Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Taliban killed a district governor and 19 civilians in a suicide bombing at a mosque in Kunduz, and killed five children in a bombing in Baghlan. The Interior Ministry claimed that 57 Taliban fighters were killed during operations throughout the country.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 11 people in a pair of car bombings in Tuz Khurmatu. Security forces captured a senior al Qaeda commander in Salman who escaped from a prison in Tikrit last year. Iraqis in Khalis refuse to bury slain al Qaeda fighters.


US drones killed Kaid al Dhahab, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s emir in the central province of Baydah, and two fighters in a strike on a vehicle. AQAP attempted to attack police forces in Jaar in Abyan province.


The Taliban killed 15 security officials, including a police chief and the deputy intelligence chief during an ambush in Farah. Security officials claimed that 32 Taliban fighters have been killed during operations throughout Afghanistan. The Interior Ministry wants the government to execute captured would-be suicide bombers.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 23 people in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Mosul, and Samarra. Security forces captured a senior al Qaeda leader in Mosul and dismantled a bomb factory in Yusufiyyah and detained four al Qaeda fighters there.


AP Sources: Intelligence on Syrian Chemical Weapons Use No ‘Slam Dunk’


The Taliban launched suicide attacks on a PRT in Ghazni and an ISAF convoy in Helmand. The Taliban killed six truck drivers and destroyed 40 NATO fuel tankers in Farah. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Kabul. A policeman wounded 16 of his colleagues in an insider attack in Kandahar.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed more than 70 people in a series of coordinated attacks in Shia neighborhoods Baghdad that included suicide car bombers, IEDs, and shootings. Security forces killed an al Qaeda fighter and captured three more in Fallujah.


Four Taliban fighters and two Pakistani soldiers were killed after Taliban fighters attacked their camp in South Waziristan. Sixty “militants” from Swat, Dir, Swabi, Malakand, and Nowshera have been “rehabilitated.” Security forces seized 500 kg of explosives in Khyber.


The Taliban killed 12 Afghans in attacks in Herat and Paktia. Goverment officials said that 20 Taliban fighters and four policemen were killed in fighting in Ghazni. A Taliban commander and 16 fighters reconciled with the government in Laghman.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed a senior intelligence official and his son in an attack in Aden. Four more people were killed in a bombing at a market in Al Baydah.


The Interior Ministry claimed that 12 Taliban fighters were killed during operations in Baghlan, Kapisa, Kunduz, Jawzjan, Wardak, Logar, Farah, Helmand, and Uruzgan. Two Afghan soldiers and five Taliban fighters were killed during an assault on an Army base in Kapisa. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in an attack in the south.


The Taliban killed five soldiers in attacks in Kandahar, Helmand, and Uruzgan, and two children in a bombing in Helmand. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters and retook a checkpoint lost earlier last week, and killed 11 more Taliban fighters in Ghazni.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 31 people in bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Balad, and Baqubah. In Qaiyara, al Qaeda killed five soldiers and their bodies were then burned.


The Taliban killed four people, including two policemen, and torched two NATO fuel tankers in Baluchistan. Eleven people were killed in sectarian fighting in Islamabad. The Taliban “expelled” Asmatullah Muawiya for welcoming negotiations with the government; Muawiya said they did not have the authority to do so.


Security forces killed two Taliban fighters and captured a commander in Nangarhar. The Taliban killed a Polish soldier during fighting in Ghazni.


Security forces captured al Qaeda in Iraq’s finance minister and six fighters at the al Walid border crossing in Anbar, and eight more al Qaeda fighters in Albu Aitha. A prominent cleric cal led al Qaeda a “disease infecting Iraqi and Arab society in general” and said the terror group needed to be rooted out […]

ISAF confirms airstrike in Kunar

The Coalition told The Long War Journal that a strike on Aug. 21 did indeed take place in Marawana but could not confirm if al Qaeda commander Qari Zia Rahman was killed.


The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in separate attacks in the east. Security forces killed a Taliban commander and three fighters in Kunduz. The Taliban are in control of areas of the Tagab and Alasai districts in Kapisa, and are said to be winning the battle to control of the Kabul-Kandahar highway.


A suicide bomber killed 26 people at a park in Baghdad. Six more people were killed in attacks in Baghdad and Dujail. A suicide bomber killed six Iraqi soldiers and four civilians in an attack west of Ramadi. Security forces captured 14 al Qaeda fighters in Babil.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed two soldiers and wounded six more in an attack in Shibam. Security forces detained six “wanted terrorists” in Taiz.


Boko Haram fighters killed 35 villagers and wounded 14 more in an attack in Dumba in Borno state. The attack took place on Aug. 19 but was only reported today.