Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces captured four members of an al Qaeda assassination cell in Baghdad, an al Qaeda “money collector” and three aides in Kirkuk, and three “gunmen” in Rubaia near the Syrian border. Police also found a large bomb factory and arrested two al Qaeda operatives in Anbar.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down two senior intelligence officers, both colonels, in attacks in Al Qoton and Al Hota in Hadramout province. AQAP handed out machine guns and rifles as prizes in Ibb, Ad Dali, and Al Baydah provinces during Ramadan.


The Afghan Local Police killed six Taliban fighters in Ghazni. Security forces killed four more Taliban fighters in Badakhshan. The Taliban killed a female author from India in an attack in Paktika, two civilians in an IED attack in Laghman, and an ISAF soldier in the east.


Security forces killed a senior al Qaeda commander in Mosul; one soldier was killed during the raid. Al Qaeda killed three Awakening fighters in Al Haswa. The head of the Awakening in Anbar urged Syrians to reject the Al Nusrah Front, an al Qaeda affiliate.


Advocate for rebels wields influence with Kerry, McCain


“Gunmen” killed an intelligence officer along the border with Saudi Arabian and a retired intelligence official in Lahj. Tribesmen blew up the country’s main oil pipeline in Marib province.


Omar Hammami, the American jihadist and designated terrorist, said he is no longer affiliated with Shabaab and al Qaeda, but is still a “terrorist.” Twitter closed down Shabaab’s account for the second time in a year.


Security forces killed seven terrorists in helicopter airstrikes in the Bordj Baji Moktar area of southern Algeria. The terrorists were attempting to cross the border into Mauritania, “where training camps run by salafist groups are located.”


ISAF’s second in command said that Coalition forces have no plans to completely withdraw from Afghanistan. The commander of the Afghan National Army’s 205th Military Corps said that ISAF forces have withdrawn from 188 of the 235 bases in Kandahar and Zabul.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 16 members of a Shia family in an attack on a home in Lutafiyah. The terror group killed five policemen in Baghdad, five soldiers in Tarmiyah, and an Awakening leader, his wife, and three children in Arab Jabur.


The government will prosecute five Saudi Arabian members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula on terrorism charges. The Southern Secessionist Movement is continuing to seek a break with the government.


The Taliban killed four bodyguards for the governor of Badakhshan in an IED attack on his convoy, and gunned down a senior judge in Herat. Officials said that more than 100 fuel tankers and NATO supply trucks were destroyed in yesterday’s suicide assault in Torkham.


Al Qaeda killed 67 people in a series of bombings and attacks in and around Baghdad. The United Nations said that 52 people were killed at Camp Arsharf, where members of the Mujahadin-e-Khalq reside.


Six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and two members of pro-government militias were killed during fighting in Lawdar in Abyan province and Yafaa in Lahj province. The AQAP fighters were attempting to retake control of Lawdar.


A Taliban suicide assault team attacked a base in Torkham, and destroyed dozens of fuel tankers and NATO supply trucks; three Taliban fighters were killed. Security forces killed nine Taliban fighters in Wardak and Ghazni.


Al Qaeda attempted to assassinate a senior leader of the Awakening in Baghdad in a suicide attack; six of his bodyguards were killed. Another suicide bomber killed four people in Baqubah. Al Qaeda also attempted to assassinate the Turkish consul in Mosul.


A district intelligence chief in Mogadishu was gunned down outside of his home. A government official was killed in an IED attack in the capital. Heavy fighting between Shabaab and Somali troops was reported in El Barde.


Ansarul Muhajideen killed nine Frontier Corps troops in an IED attack in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed a member of a pro-government militia in Swat. The government denied it is conducting peace talks with the Taliban.


The Mujahedeen-e-Khalq claimed that Iraqi soldiers guarding the camp killed 44 of its members; two Iraqi soldiers are also reported to have been killed. The United Nations said that more than 800 Iraqis were killed during fighting in the month of August.


Shabaab claimed it killed 16 Ethiopian and 12 Somali soldiers in an attack in Ceelbarde, and 12 more Ethiopian troops in Bay. Shabaab also said that newly trained “Mujahideen fighters” are being deployed to Hiran and Galgaduud and are to serve with the “Ali bin Abu Talib” battalion.


The Taliban killed five people in a suicide attack in Kandahar, 12 people in an IED attack in Helmand, seven more in another roadside bombing in Parwan, and an ISAF soldier in the east. Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters and detained 10 more in Wardak.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant killed 12 people and wounded 20 more in a car bombing in Ramadi. Another civilian was killed in a bombing in Madeen. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant denounced the Muslim Brotherhood for pursuing democracy in Egypt.


Ten people were killed after Shabaab ambushed government forces in the Bakool area. Shabaab killed an intelligence official in the capital. Security forces detained 27 suspected Shabaab fighters during raids in Mogadishu.


Boko Haram killed 24 members of a vigilante militia in an ambush in Monguno. Boko Haram fighters attacked the militia, numbering more than 100 members, as it attempted to raid a camp and detained the Islamist fighters.