Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.

Al Muhajiroun

Canadian was a ‘clear leader’ among Islamist terrorists who killed 40 workers in Algeria gas plant attack


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 11 people, including an Awakening leader and his family, in attacks throughout the country. Security forces detained eight wanted al Qaeda fighters in Hawijah.


Gunmen thought to belong to a pro-government militia killed a clan elder in Kismayo. More than 160 Somali clerics denounced Shabaab. The military claimed it disrupted more than 200 attacks in Mogadishu during the month of August.


The Taliban killed seven civilians in an IED attack in Nimroz and shot a senior female police officer in Helmand. The military claimed it killed 50 Taliban fighters in Helmand’s Sangin district; a report by the NYT said the military is losing control of Sangin.


The Taliban killed the commanding general for Swat, a regimental commander, and a soldier in an IED attack in Swat, two soldiers in attacks in North Waziristan, and three members of a pro-government militia in Bajaur. The Taliban also bombed dozens of NATO oil tankers in Hub. The government said the Army would withdraw from […]


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 53 people in a series of car bombings and attacks throughout the country. Yesterday’s attack that killed 21 people at a funeral was carried out by a suicide bomber.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed three civilians in an attack outside of Kandahar Airbase. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Kunar. Afghan special forces killed a Taliban commander in Herat.


A suicide bomber killed 21 people during a funeral in a village north of Mosul. Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Taji and detained another in Fallujah.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula confirmed that Kaid al Dhahab was killed in a US drone strike. AQAP killed two Yemeni soldiers in an ambush in Hadramout. Tribesmen bombed an oil pipeline in Marib.


Seven Taliban fighters and two Afghan security forces were killed in a Taliban suicide assault that targeted the US Consulate in Herat. A Taliban suicide bomber wounded 24 Afghans in an attack in Paktika.


Al Qaeda killed 30 Iraqis in two bombings at a mosque in Baqubah; the second blast targeted those who were attempting to aid the victims of the first attack. Three Awakening members and two al Qaeda fighters were killed in a clash in Abu Ghraib. Three al Qaeda fighters were killed in a premature detonation […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down an intelligence officer in Hadramout. A court acquitted five Saudis of belonging to al Qaeda and plotting to attack Yemeni security forces, but convicted them of entering the country illegally.


Eighteen Taliban fighters and four civilians were killed in clashes in Helmand; two soldiers and seven more Taliban fighters were killed in Herat and Ghazni. The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said the US has no “comprehensive anti-corruption strategy.”


An al Qaeda suicide bomber killed 30 Iraqis at a Shia mosque in Baghdad; a second suspected suicide bomber was killed by Iraqi citizens. Nine more Iraqis were killed in attacks and bombings in Baghdad, Kirikuk, and Mosul.


The Foreign Office said that the government would free Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the former deputy to Afghan Taliban emir Mullah Omar, in the next month. The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan’s top leaders are meeting to discuss a government peace proposal. The Taliban also beheaded three members of a peace committee in Khyber […]


The Taliban killed seven people in an IED attack in Ghazni and four more in a similar bombing in Helmand. Four Afghan soldiers were wounded in a suicide bombing outside a base in Logar. Security forces killed a Taliban “sub-commander” in Badakhshan and three fighters in Kabul.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 24 Iraqis in a series of attacks and bombings in Yusufiyah, Latifiyah, Baghdad, and Mosul. Security forces arrested an al Qaeda leader, two aides, and three fighters in Ninewa, and a “terrorist” in Basrah.


The military said that 24 Taliban fighters were killed during a recent operation in Badakhshan. The Taliban claimed it killed several Afghan security personnel in a suicide assault in Kandahar. A former senator was gunned down in Balkh.


Five Shabaab fighters died in a fire at a prison in Bulo-Marer. Shabaab killed one person in a grenade attack in Beledweyne. Security forces detained dozens of suspected Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu.