Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Jundallah claimed credit for yesterday’s suicide attack at a church in Peshawar that killed 81 Christians. Five policemen were killed in an IED attack in Pishin. The Taliban killed an ANP leader in Buner. Three Lashkar-e-Islam members were killed in a premature IED detonation.


The Taliban killed 11 border policemen in Kandahar, two ISAF soldiers in the east, and an intelligence official in Kunduz. Also in Kandahar, an Afghan policeman killed five of his colleagues. Afghan officials said that security forces killed 27 Taliban fighters in Farah, 12 in Kapisa, and four more in Nangarhar. “Gunmen” kidnapped five election […]


Two bombs planted in a funeral tent in a predominately Sunni neighborhood in Baghdad killed 16 people. Two people were killed in an IED attack that targeted an ambulance in the capital.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down a colonel in the Yemeni military in Sana’a. A court sentenced an al Qaeda fighter to three years of house arrest for his role in fighting alongside al Qaeda in Abyan province.


A suicide bomber killed two policemen and seriously injured two more in an attack outside a police headquarters in Khuchni in Dagestan. Chechnya’s interior minister said that Chechen jihadists are entering Syria via Turkey and Azerbaijan. President Putin said Russia would offer security assistance to Tajikistan along its Afghan border; he also warned that any […]


A suicide bomber killed 16 Iraqis and wounded 35 more in an attack at a funeral in Baghdad. Two Iraqi policemen were killed in attacks in Tikrit and two soldiers were killed in a bombing in Mosul.


Four tribesmen and four Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in Marib. An American photojournalist is said to have been kidnapped in Sana’a. The American ambassador denied reports of hundreds of US soldiers being deployed in Yemen.


An Afghan soldier killed three US Special Forces troops in an attack at a base in Paktia. The Afghan military claimed that 15 Taliban fighters, including a district shadow governor, were killed in Kapisa. The US killed a Taliban commander and three fighters in an airstrike in Kunar. The Taliban freed seven Afghan soldiers who […]


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed more than 70 people in a series of suicide attacks and bombings in Baghdad and Bayji. In one of the attacks, in Bayji, a suicide assault team killed seven policemen and penetrated the perimeter of a special forces base.

Shabaab suicide teams target civilians in assault on Kenyan mall

At least 59 people have been killed and over 150 wounded in the largest terrorist attack in Kenya since al Qaeda’s 1998 bombing of the US Embassy. The Shabaab assault teams singled out non-Muslims for execution. The attack is similar to Lashkar-e-Taiba’s assault on Mumbai in 2008.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 18 Sunni worshippers in a pair of bombings at a mosque in Samarra. Security forces killed an al Qaeda leader in Mosul, captured 12 al Qaeda fighters in Madeen, four more in Tikrit, and another in Mosul.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula launched a coordinated offensive against three Yemeni military camps in the southern province of Shabwa. Fifty-six soldiers and policemen were killed during the suicide assaults. AQAP also attempted to attack the Balhaf LNG facility.

Taliban ambush policemen in northern Afghan province

The Taliban ambushed Afghan forces just after the military ended what it claimed was a successful operation to clear the Wardoj district in Badakhshan. More that 20 Afghan policemen are reported to have been killed and an additional 24 are missing.


The bodies of 10 men between the ages of 18 and 25 were found killed in a Shia neighborhood in Baghdad. The men were executed. US Ambassador to Iraq Lukman Faily said al Qaeda is pushing the country to civil war.


Boko Haram killed 23 civilians in yesterday’s attack in the village of Benisheik near Maiduguri; hundreds of homes and cars were torched. Boko Haram fighters also killed a soldier and the wife of a policeman in Yobe.


The Taliban gunned down the head of the election commission in Kunduz. A former senator from Sar-i-Pul has joined the Taliban. Security forces captured the Taliban’s finance minister for Farah. Afghan officials claimed US drones killed six Taliban fighters in Kunar. Three policemen were killed in infighting in Helmand.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed six Iraqis in three car bombings in Mosul and Tuz Khurmatu, and also killed an Iraqi soldier in a sniper attack in Haswa. Security forces captured al Qaeda’s military leader for Babil and two of his aides.


Government officials said that 16 soldiers were killed during an operation against Boko Haram in Borno; officials claimed that 150 Boko Haram fighters were killed. One report claimed that 40 soldiers were killed and 65 more are missing. Boko Haram killed five civilians in a raid on a village in Borno.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 33 people, including six soldiers, in a series of bombings and attacks in the cities of Baghdad, Fallujah, and Mosul. In Basrah, gunmen killed 17 Sunnis to avenge Shias being targeted by al Qaeda. The Sunnis were warned to leave the province beforehand.