Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters during an operation in Helmand. The Taliban killed an “intelligence attorney” in an IED attack in Kunar.


A three-man al Qaeda suicide team killed five Iraqi soldiers, including a colonel, in Tikrit. Al Qaeda fighters killed an Awakening member in Abu Ghraib. Nearly 900 Iraqis were killed in terror attacks in September.


Puntland security forces attacked Shabaab “bases” in a village in the Golis Mountains, killing one fighter. Shabaab fighters again denied that a woman led or was even involved in the Westgate Mall attack in Kenya.


Two Marine Corps Generals Are Forced to Retire Over Fatal Security Breach


The government claimed it retook a district in Badakhshan from the Taliban; the Taliban claimed they are still in control of the district. Police claimed to have killed 25 Taliban fighters in Helmand and 10 more in Helmand. The Taliban killed two policemen and three civilians in Herant, and a policeman in Balkh.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed at least 55 Iraqis and wounded more than 150 in a series of coordinated bombings throughout the capital of Baghdad. More than 20 car bombs were detonated in mainly Shia neighborhoods throughout the capital. One blast occurred outside a Sunni mosque.


A platoon of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters overran a military headquarters in Mukallah, killing and capturing several Yemeni soldiers. Yemeni special forces retook the base, killing and capturing several AQAP fighters.


The Taliban seized control of the Karan wa Munjan district center in Badakhshan; Afghan security forces claimed to have regained control of the district. A suicide bomber killed four people in an attack outside a security headquarters in Marja in Helmand. Security forces captured a Taliban commander in Herat and 73 fighters in Wardak.


A suicide bomber killed 40 people and wounded 50 more in an attack at a Shia mosque in an attack in Mussayab. A pair of suicide bombers killed four people and wounded 29 more in an attack in Irbil.


How Afghanistan will be paying for Western errors for years to come


A suicide bomber killed two Afghans in an attack outside a district center in Paktika. Five civilians were killed in two separate IED attacks in Ghazni and Uruzgan. The military said 14 Taliban fighters were killed in fighting in Wardak and Paktika.


AL Qaeda in Iraq killed six people in attacks in Tarmiyah and Baghdad that targeted police and military personnel and their families. Security forces captured two al Qaeda leaders during raids in Baghdad and Ninewa.


Boko Haram fighters killed 27 Nigerians in attacks on two villages. On Sept. 25, jihadists killed six villagers in Gamboru near the Cameroon border. On Sept. 26, Boko Haram fighters returned to Gamboru and killed 21 more people. The Islamist militant group Ansaru posted a video of French hostage Francis Colump, who was kidnapped near […]


Ten people were killed in bombings and attacks throughout Iraq; seven of those were killed in bombings outside of two Sunni mosques in Baghdad. Ninewa province’s tribal council renounced al Qaeda and vowed to support the Iraqi security forces.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters are suspected of gunning down a man thought to be a homosexual in Huta in Lahj province. Twenty people were wounded yesterday in a pair of bombings in the capital of Sana’a.


Security forces killed five al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters during a gun battle in Dellys in Boumerdes province. Officials estimate that 30 Algerians are fighting alongside the Al Nusrah Front and other jihadist groups in Syria.


The Taliban killed four civilians in an IED attack in Kandahar and a US soldier in an insider attack in Paktia, and kidnapped four Afghan soldiers in Kunduz. A suicide bomber killed only himself in an attack in the capital of Helmand. Security forces detained a Taliban commander in Sar-i-Pul.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 25 people in attacks throughout the country. In one attack, seven civilians and two soldiers were killed in a suicide assault on a district center in Hawija. Security forces killed five al Qaeda fighters near the Syrian border and four more in south of Mosul, and detained four Ansar al […]


A suicide bomber killed a Yemeni intelligence officer in an attack at a market in the city of Ataq in Shabwa province. He is the second intelligence officer to be assassinated by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in two days.

Shabaab emir praises group’s assault on Kenya mall

Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr threatened further attacks in Kenya if its military is not withdrawn from southern Somalia. He also noted that the assault on the Westgate Mall was “just 10 days after the anniversary date of the blessed 911 operations.”


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed nine policemen in a suicide assault and attacks on police and military bases in Haditha. Security forces detained an escaped inmate from the July Abu Ghraib prison break in Anbar, and two al Qaeda fighters as they were planting an IED outside the home of an Awakening leader in Samarra.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula freed 21 soldiers who were captured during last week’s assaults on military bases in Abyan. AQAP gunned down another Yemeni intelligence official in Sana’a.