Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed five policemen in separate IED attacks in Ramadi and Fallujah. Security forces captured two al Qaeda fighters south of Samarra. Tribal leaders in Diyala denounced al Qaeda.


The Taliban killed two people, including a policeman, in an IED attack that targeted a polio vaccination team. The spokesman for the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan said the Afghan branch supports TTP operations. Arfan Bhatti, a Norwegian extremist who disappeared on a trip to Pakistan in January, has been found by a Norwegian […]


President Obama claimed that the US would continue to support Afghanistan even if no security agreement was signed between the two countries. Afghan officials said that 11 Taliban fighters, including a commander, were killed and eight more were captured during operations in Logar and Badakhshan.


At least 38 Iraqis were killed in a series of 10 bombings throughout the capital of Baghdad. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (al Qaeda in Iraq) claimed credit for last month’s suicide assault in Irbil as well as attacks on police and military bases in Anbar.


“Gunmen” killed a German embassy guard and kidnapped a UNICEF worker in separate incidents in the capital of Sana’a. The United Nations warned its staff in Sana’a to remain home after the attacks in Sana’a.


The target of the Oct. 5 raid in Barawe by US Navy SEALs was Abdulkadir Mohamed Abdulkadir, a.k.a Ikrima, who served as Shabaab’s external operations chief. He was plotting to conduct attacks in Kenya against the parliament, defense forces, and the UN. A Swedish and a Sudanese jihadist are said to have been killed in […]


The Taliban killed four US soldiers in a suicide bombing in Kandahar and a security official in an IED attack in Nuristan. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in operations throughout the country. German troops transferred control of a main base in Kunduz to Afghan forces.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed at least 27 Iraqis in a series of suicide bombings in northern and central Iraq. In Qabak, a Shia Turkmen village near Tal Afar, two suicide bombers attacked an elementary school and a police station, killing 12 children, the principal, and two policemen. In Waziriyah, a suicide bomber killed 12 […]


Prime Minister Ali Zeidan has contacted US officials and asked them “to provide an explanation” for the capture of longtime al Qaeda leader Abu Anas al Libi on Libyan soil. Assassins gunned down a Libyan Air Force colonel in Benghazi.


The police claimed to have killed 18 Taliban fighters during operations in Kandahar, Helmand, and Farah provinces. The Taliban killed two policemen and two civilians in an attack in Laghman. Afghan officials claimed that ISAF aircraft killed five civilians, including three children, in Nangarhar. An Afghan security guard killed an ISAF soldier in the east. […]


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed at least 48 Iraqis in a series of attacks in Baghdad, Balad, and Mosul. In Baghdad, a suicide bomber killed 24 people, including four people, in an attack that targeted Shia worshippers. In Balad, a suicide bomber killed 13 people outside of a cafe.


Shabaab claimed that Western special operations forces launched a 2 a.m. raid in the Shabaab-controlled town of Barawe. Shabaab claims to have repelled the raid and one of its fighters were killed in the assault.


The newly appointed chief of police for Wardak province quit just two days after taking the job, citing continuous fighting with the Taliban. The Taliban killed two policemen and a road worker in Faryab province; a woman was also beheaded in the province.


A suicide bomber killed three Iraqi soldiers in an attack in Hit. Al Qaeda in Iraq killed an Awakening leader in an IED attack in Bayji. Security forces arrested nine wanted men in Baghdad.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed a Yemeni special forces colonel in an attack in Aden. The Yemeni military wrongly arrested a customs officer who they claimed was AQAP’s emir in Ghail Bawazir in Hadramout.


The Taliban killed three policemen in an IED attack in Helmand. Abdul Rassoul Sayyaf, one of several Afghans who assisted Osama bin Laden with entering Afghanistan and who served as a mentor to Mohammed Atef, is running for president.


Insurgents killed five people in a bombing at a soccer field in Madeen and two policemen and a civilian in attacks in Mosul. Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Mosul. Wanted members of al Qaeda in Iraq are joining the Al Nusrah Front in Syria.


Yemeni military and police forces retook a military headquarters in Mukallah that was overrun by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula on Sept. 29. Ten soldiers and an undisclosed number of AQAP fighters were killed.


Al Qaeda in Iraq shot down an Iraqi Army helicopter as the military was conducting an operation in the desert near Bayji; four Iraqi soldiers and were killed. Al Qaeda killed 14 Iraqis in attacks throughout the country. Security forces captured two insurgents as they planted an IED in Fallujah.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed four Yemeni soldiers in Hadramout and gunned down a military colonel in Taiz on Monday. A court sentenced five AQAP operatives to terms in prison of between two to 10 years for their involvement in last year’s suicide bombing in Sana’a that killed 86 soldiers.