Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed three children in an IED attack in Hamdaniyah and two soldiers in a mortar attack on a military base in Mosul. Security forces killed three al Qaeda fighters in a raid in Siniyah. Prime Minister Maliki will meet with President Obama on Nov. 1.


The governor of Logar province was assassinated as he spoke in a mosque. The Taliban killed a British soldier as he was on patrol in Helmand. Afghan officials claimed that ISAF airstrikes killed seven “militants.”


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 12 people in a bombing outside of a Sunni mosque in Kirkuk, and two policemen in an IED attack in Taji. Security forces detained 11 wanted men, includign three “dangerous” ISIS fighters, during raids in Kirkuk.


Seven people were killed as Shabaab and government forces clashed outside of Mogadishu. Three soldiers were killed in a clash with a militia on the outskirts of the capital. The African Union agreed to boost the number of peacekeepers in Somalia by 35 percent.


The Taliban killed a border police commander, three policemen, and a cleric in Kandahar. A suicide bomber killed himself as he was being treated in a hospital in Paktia. A pro-Taliban cleric from Pakistan claimed the Afghan government would free Pakistanis in custody.


Al Qaeda’s branch in Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, killed 31 people in a wave of bombings in Basra, Diwaniyah, Hillah, Mahmoudiyah, Madain, Samarra, Samawah, Suwayrah. Teh attacks targeted civilians at markets, funerals, and other public places.


Two Somalis were killed in a premature detonation while they were manufacturing a bomb in the capital of Addis Ababa. The men were in the country illegally and were staying at a home in a Somali neighborhood in the capital.


The military claimed that 40 Boko Haram fighters were killed during operations in Konduga and Bama in Borno state. The Boko Haram fighters were preparing to conduct attacks against the two villages.


A suicide bomber killed two policemen and a civilian in Nangarhar. A member of the Afghan security forces killed an ISAF solider in Paktika. The Taliban killed two children in Kunar for spying for the government.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 36 Iraqis in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Hillah, Suwayrah, Samawah, and Samarra. Yesterday, a bombing at a market in Samarra killed 17 more Iraqis.


Shabaab fighters executed three tailors in Mogadishu. Samantha Lewthwaite, the “white widow” who is wanted for her associations with Shabaab, recently tweeted that she was traveling in Galgala.


A suicide bomber killed two Pakistani soldiers in an attack in South Waziristan. The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan is “delighted” that Malala Yousafzai failed to win the Nobel Peace Prize.


The US military captured Latif Mehsud, a top leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, during an operation in Logar. Latif was being escorted by Afghan intelligence officials. The Taliban killed a policeman in Logar.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber seriously wounded three people in an attack in the Al Askariya district in Lahj province. The three wounded Yemenis were members of the Southern Movement, a group in the South that seeks independence from the country.

US grabs Pakistani Taliban commander from Afghan intel

Latif Mehsud, a top deputy to Hakeemullah Mehsud, the emir of the al Qaeda-linked Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, is said to have been captured by US forces while being escorted by the NDS after conducting a meeting to exchange Afghan prisoners for cash.


Malala, survivor of Taliban, resented in Pakistan hometown


Twelve people were killed in a series of bombings in Karach­i, Lahore, Peshaw­ar, and Quetta. The Pakistani Taliban denied reports that Afghan Taliban fighters killed Mullah Fazlullah in an attack in Kunar province, Afghanistan.


The government claimed security forces killed 26 Taliban fighters while retaking a base in Daykundi; the Taliban denied the report. Six Taliban fighters were killed in Badghis; four more died in a premature detonation in Kunar. A suicide bomber killed four civilians in Khost.


The government executed 42 convicted terrorists over the past two days. The military killed two “gunmen” who attempted to enter from Syria. Al Qaeda in Iraq killed a counterterrorism officer in Hit.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down a colonel in Yemeni intelligence in Mukallah. Tribesmen in Marib province cut off the power to the capital of Sana’a yesterday by attacking an electrical tower.


Ten people were killed after government forces clashed with Shabaab in the El-Dhun Adegow area of Bay province; Shabaab is in control of the area. Shabaab killed three people in an IED attack in Beled Hawo.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed eight workers in a bombing south of Baghdad, a counter-terrorism officer in an IED attack near Babil, and the spokesman for Ninewa province in a shooting. Four al Qaeda fighters and two policemen were killed in a clash south of Fallujah.


Somalia’s defense minister said the military is preparing to “liberate” Barawe, the town under Shabaab control where US SEALs attempted to capture Ikrima, a top terrorist commander. Shabaab arrested a businessman in Barawe and accused him of aiding the US in the raid.


Five Taliban fighters and seven civilians were killed during a series of clashes and IED attacks throughout the country. Security forces captured two suicide and IED attack facilitators during a raid in Takhar and two Taliban fighters in Kandahar.