Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


“Gunmen” on a motorcycle shot and killed a colonel in Yemeni intelligence in an attack on the streets of the capital of Sana’a. Saudi Arabia has suspended aid to Yemen “until the country settles down.”


Five Shabaab and government soldiers were killed during clashes in Elbarde; the military claimed it took control of the town. Shabaab has blockaded the town of Qansah Dhere. Security forces detained six suspects involved in Shabaab’s recent suicide attack in Beledweyne.


Al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 14 people in bombings that targeted civilians in Baghdad and Madain. Members of a human rights organization in Fallujah known as Herak launched a campaign called “We are against al Qaeda.”


More than 300 members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula attempted to break out of a prison in Sana’a. Guards at the outer perimeter opened fired on the prisoners before they could escape.


The Taliban killed eight Afghan soldiers in Parwan and Farah. Three members of the Afghan Local Police in Kandahar were killed by two colleagues, who escaped. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Kandahar.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham executed three suicide attacks in Mosul, Jurf al-Sakhar, and Rutba, and an armed attack in Ramadi, killing 22 Iraqi security personnel. The ISIS killed three civilians in a mortar attack in Hit. Security forces captured 19 “terrorists” in Ninewa.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed seven policemen in a suicide assault in Fallujah. Two suicide bombers and several fighters were also killed in the attack. Since Oct. 1, the ISIS has used 22 suicide bombers in Iraq.


Afghan officials claimed that security forces killed 22 Taliban fighters and captured 16 more. ISAF killed nine “militants” in airstrikes in Kunar. The Taliban killed three policemen in Farah and an ISAF soldier in the south. An Afghan special forces commander in Kunar defected to the Taliban.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed three members of Rawa’s local council and three policemen in a complex attack that included eight suicide bombers. An ISIS suicide bomber killed 35 Iraqis in an attack in Baghdad.


Shabaab claimed credit for today’s suicide attack at a cafe in Beledweyne that killed 16 people, including seven Somali soldiers. The Shabaab spokesman said the target of the attack was African Union peacekeepers from Ethiopia and Djibouti.


A suicide bomber killed two civilians in an attack on a compound that houses foreigners in Kabul. Another suicide bomber killed only himself in an attack on a US convoy near Bagram. ISAF killed 11 Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Kandahar.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 44 people in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, and 15 more in the village of Mwafaqiya in Ninewa province. In one of the attacks in Baghdad, a bombing at an amusement park killed six children. Security forces captured a senior al Qaeda leader […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed five Yemeni soldiers and wounded 15 more in a suicide assault that targeted a base in Ahwar in Abyan province. The Yemeni military repelled another assault on a base in Al Baydah province.


Al Qaeda killed 61 Iraqis in a series of suicide and car bombings throughout the country. Three policemen were killed in a clash with al Qaeda in Mosul. An Awakening leader in Madain and his driver were killed in an IED attack.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released a video that detailed the Sept. 20 suicide assaults that targeted three military camps in Shabwa. AQAP gunned down a police officer in Hadramout; two security guards were shot and killed in Lahj on Oct. 15.


The National Directorate of Security said that the bomb that killed the governor of Logar was planted in a Koran. Police gunned down a suicide bomber in Uruzgan before he could detonate his vest.