Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Afghan Taliban denounced the US’ killing of Pakistani Taliban emir Hakeemullah Mehsud in a drone strike in North Waziristan. Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Khost.


Six people were killed as Puntland security forces clashed with a “militia” that included Shabaab fighters and pirates in the village of Godod near Galkayo. Puntland officials accused the Somali government of funding the groups.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant killed four Iraqi soldiers in an IED attack in Mosul. Police captured four ISIS operatives, including a wanted commander, during a raid in Fallujah.


At least 24 people were killed after Shia Houthi rebels attacked a Sunni Salafist town in Saada. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed two soldiers and a civilian in an attack on a checkpoint in Abyan.


Two Afghan soldiers and a Taliban fighter were killed during clashes in Sar-i-Pul. Security forces captured a suicide bomber in Kandahar. Members of the High Peace Council claimed they would meet with former Taliban deputy Mullah Baradar in Pakistan.


The ISIS killed 24 people in a series of suicide attacks and bombings in Tarmiyah, Mosul, Abu Ghraib, and Baghdad; in Tarmiyah, a pair of suicide bombers killed 12 soldiers and Awakening members, and in Mosul, another suicide bomber killed three policemen and four civilians. Security forces captured six ISIS operatives in Babil.


Shia Houthi rebels killed four people in an attack on a Sunni mosque in Damaj in the north. More than 4,000 “Salafists” are said to have gathered in Saada to battle the Houthis. The military captured an al Qaeda operative involved in the assassination of a military academy’s deputy director.


Al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant killed 11 people in bombings in Baghdad, Fallujah, and Abu Ghraib. Al Qaeda fighters also gunned down an Awakening leader and his son in Jalam. Four al Qaeda fighters and two tribesmen were killed during a clash in the Abou al-Khanajer Valley.


US drones killed two Shabaab commanders in a strike in the town of Jilib in southern Somalia. A Shabaab commander known as Anta Anta, who was an explosives and suicide bombing expert, was killed in the airstrike.


The Taliban killed 18 civilians, including 14 women, in an IED attack on a bus transporting people to a wedding in Ghazni, and killed another civilian in a bombing in Kabul. The interior ministry claimed 12 Taliban fighters were killed in operations.


Al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 54 people in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad. Twelve Iraqis, including soldiers, were killed in a suicide assault on a base in Mosul.


Security forces killed 13 Taliban fighters during operations in Helmand and two senior Taliban commanders in Wardak. Four Taliban fighters died while planting an IED in Paktika; a civilian was also killed in the blast.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed nine people in bombings in Yusafiyah and Baqubah, and three soldiers in an IED attack in Tal al Rumman. Security forces launched an offensive against the ISIS in the western part of Anbar; five ISIS fighters, including a Tunisian, were captured in Albu Aitha. Two large […]


The Yemeni air force killed six unnamed “terrorists” in airstrikes in Wadi Mahfad in Abyan province. Three of those killed are said to be local al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commanders who were responsible for suicide attacks and bombings.


Abdulkadir Mohamed Abdulkadir, a top Shabaab leader who was the target of a US Navy SEALs raid in Barawe, spent about a year in Britain in 2007 before returning to Somalia. Somali and Ethiopian forces clashed with Shabaab in Ufurow and Awdiinle; 10 soldiers on both sides were reported killed. Four people were killed in […]


Pakistan’s government approved of and colluded with the US to conduct drone strikes, leaked memos show. Former Prime Minister Gilani denied the reports. Prime Minister Sharif said the strikes violate Pakistan’s sovereignty and again called for an end to the attacks.


The Taliban killed six soldiers in attacks in Jawzjan, Kunar, and Ghazni, and four members of the Afghan Local Police in Badghis. Security forces captured 21 would-be suicide child bombers. The military claimed that 48 Taliban fighters were killed over the past day.


A suicide bomber killed four policemen and three civilians while blowing up a bridge on the border with Jordan. Security forces captured eight al Qaeda operatives, including a senior leader, near the Syrian border. Awakening forces captured six al Qaeda fighters near Rutbah.