Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula offered its condolences for the death of Hakeemullah Mehsud, the former emir of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. Five people were killed and seven more were wounded in a grenade attack in Damar.


The government has begun the trial of a cell of eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters who plotted to kill President Hadi. Fighting between Salafists and Houthis has resumed in Dammaj in Sadda province.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant killed five people in two bombings outside a Sunni mosque in Baghdad, two policemen in a bombing in Fallujah, and three soldiers in an attack in Anah. Security forces found the body of a wanted al Qaeda leader near Kirkuk and detained nine wanted al Qaeda fighters […]

Al Qaeda

Somalia: Shabaab ousts traditional elders in favor of loyalists

Al Qaeda

Suicide bombers in Tunisia, from one decade to another


The Army of Islamic State of Libya: Derna’s mystery militia


The Yemeni Air Force killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a series of air strikes in Al Mahfad area of Abyan province over the past three days. The area is a known stronghold for AQAP.


The Taliban killed three intelligence officials in an IED attack in Khost. On Nov. 3, Afghan forces killed nine Taliban fighters while repelling an attack in Ghazni. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar’s nephew was arrested for the murders of a policeman and a civilian.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed three soldiers in a suicide attack in Ana, four civilians in a bombing in Karbala, two more civilians near Baghdad, and four policemen in an IED attack in Amiriyah. Police killed a suicide bomber in Baghdad. Security forces captured eight ISIS fighters in Ninewa.

Pakistani Taliban name Mullah Fazlullah as new emir

Fazlullah-Umar-Media-video-SITE.jpgThe firebrand cleric from Swat replaces Hakeemullah Mehsud to lead the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. Fazlullah led the Taliban takeover of Swat and neighboring districts in 2007. He is currently sheltering in Afghanistan’s Kunar province.

Al Qaeda

US holds talks about Yemen detention center for Guantanamo inmates


The bodies of seven Afghan soldiers who were captured by the Taliban last week and then executed were found in Zabul. Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Wardak, and Paktika. The NDS captured a Taliban suicide attack planner and executioner in Paktika.


An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bomber killed seven policemen after ramming an explosives-laden oil tanker into a police station in Al Salam. “Gunmen” killed a senior judge in Mosul. Security forces captured al Qaeda’s deputy governor for Baghdad during a raid in Taji.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed a British soldier in Lashkar Gah in Helmand; another suicide bomber killed only himself in Spin Boldak in Kandahar. Five Taliban fighters and a policeman were killed in a clash in Nangarhar. Security forces captured two IMU fighters in Kabul.

Afghan intel captures 2 IMU fighters in Kabul

IMU-Pak-training-camp-SITE.jpgThe Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan fighters trained in Pakistan’s Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan and were involved in recent fighting in the northeastern Afghan province of Badakhshan.


The Islamic State of Iraq killed 13 people, including three soldiers, four policemen, and an Awakening commander, in attacks in Mosul, Kirkuk, Fallujah, and Baghdad. The death toll in Iraq has surpassed 5,500 for this year. Security forces captured five al Qaeda fighters in Ninewa.


Afghan security officials claimed that police and army units killed 17 Taliban fighters during operations. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier on Nov. 3. President Karzai denounced the US’ killing of Pakistani Taliban emir Hakeemullah Mehsud.


As US withdraws from Afghanistan, poppy trade it spent billions fighting still flourishes


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant killed 12 people and wounded more than 30 in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Hawijah, Taji, and Mosul. In the Hawijah attack, a pair of suicide bombers killed two policemen outside the gate of a police station.


Somalia’s future relies on an army that does not yet exist


A suicide bomber killed two policemen in an attack in Tal Afar. Terrorists killed two soldiers in Mosul and a police major in Baghdad. Insurgents bombed an oil pipeline near Kirkuk. Iran criticized Iraq for increasing oil exports.


More than 58 people, including three today, were killed during clashes between Houthi rebels and Salafists in Dammaj in Saada province. The government has called for a ceasefire, and the International Red Cross said it has been denied access to Dammaj. An intelligence officer was wounded in a bombing in Aden.