Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Afghan Army cut a peace deal with the Taliban in the Sangin district in Helmand, and turned over several checkpoints to the jihadists. Three Taliban suicide bombers were killed in an assault on a NATO supply base at the Torkham crossing in Nangarhar.


Have Afghan forces intentionally surrendered turf in Sangin to the Taliban?

US adds Belmokhtar’s brigades to terrorist lists

Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s al-Mulathameen Brigade is behind terror attacks in Niger, Algeria, and Mali. Its “aliases,” the al-Murabitoon Brigade and al Mua’qi’oon Biddam, have also been added to the US’s lists of terror groups.


Six ISAF soldiers were killed in an aircraft crash in Zabul; the Taliban claimed they shot down a helicopter. The Taliban killed two Afghan Border Police officers in an IED attack in Kandahar. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters, including Pakistanis, in Ghazni.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 10 Shia pilgrims in attacks in Mahmudiyah and Baghdad. In Mahmudiyah, a suicide bomber detonated his explosives-laden belt in the midst of a crowd of worshippers. Security forces detained five ISIS fighters in Abu Ghraib.


The Taliban killed four soldiers and wounded six more in IED attacks in Khost, Wardak, and Kapisa. The Taliban also killed four children in a bombing in Uruzgan. Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters during an operation Ghazni.


More than 70 people were killed in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Bayji, Mosul, Tikrit, and Jisr Diyala. In Bayji, a suicide assault team killed eight policemen in an attack on a police station. In Tikrit, another suicide assault team killed two civilians in an attempt to storm the city council building.


Frustrated with government, Pakistani man turns to Taliban for help

Al Qaeda

Political administration not prepared to replace army in Pakistan’s tribal agencies


The Taliban killed eight civilians in IED attacks in Kunar and Nangarhar, and wounded three Afghan intelligence officials in a suicide bombing in Nangarhar. The military claimed it killed 23 Taliban fighters in operations throughout the country.


Insurgents killed 20 people in attacks throughout the country. Among those killed were a female reporter in a shooting in Mosul and a government employee and his family in a home invasion in Sadiyah.


Yemen’s parliament passed a non-binding bill to ban US drone strikes inside the country. A Japanese diplomat was stabbed during a failed kidnapping attempt in the capital of Sana’a.


The Taliban killed five soldiers in Helmand, three policemen in Ghazni, and two civilians in Kunar. Security forces killed 13 Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Kunar, Laghman, Kunduz, and Jawzjan. ISAF killed seven Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Nangarhar.


Insurgents killed 15 Iranian workers and two Iraqi guards at a gas pipeline from Iran to Iraq in the Al Nida area near Baghdad last night. Twenty-three Iraqis, including five policemen, were killed in a series of bombings and shootings throughout the country.


Twenty-five prisoners, including some facing the death penalty for terrorism charges, killed two guards and escaped from a prison north of Baghdad; 11 of the escapees were recaptured. Security forces killed three al Qaeda fighters after they killed an Awakening leader near Ramadi.

Ansarul Mujahideen kills 4 Pakistani troops in North Waziristan

The Pakistani terror group has carried out suicide and IED attacks in response to drone strikes that have killed the emirs of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan and the Mullah Nazir Group, as well as a top Haqqani Network leader and members of the Turkistan Islamic Party.


An official claimed that 17 Taliban fighters were killed in fighting in Badakhshan. The Taliban killed four people in bombings in Faryab and Farah, and an ISAF soldier in an attack in the south.


Insurgents killed an Awakening leader in an IED attack in Madeen; three suspects were captured after the attack. Security forces captured six al Qaeda fighters in Anbar near the Syrian border. The military will purchase 24 light attack fighters from South Korea.


US drones are reported to have accidentally killed 15 civilians in a strike on a wedding party in Rada’a in Baydah province. Al Qaeda fighters are said to have been traveling in the convoy. Yesterday the UN said it would shut down its offices today in Sana’a due to an unspecified security threat.


Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters during operations throughout the country. The NDS detained 22 jihadists involved in a plot to attack the Ministry of Defense and the Presidential Palace. The Taliban killed six civilians in a rocket attack in Badghis.


A suicide bomber killed 11 people in an attack at a funeral in Baqubah. Seventeen more Iraqis were killed in bombings and attacks in Abara and at a Shia shrine near Baqubah.


A Dutch journalist and her partner who were kidnapped in June have been freed. It is unclear if a ransom has been paid to secure their release. The group holding them had threatened to kill the hostages if its demands were not met.


Iraqi troops in Anbar province repelled an armed assault from gunmen on the Syrian side of the border. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed three policemen in Abu Ghraib and nine civilians in Buhriz. Security forces killed two suicide bombers and captured an ISIS commander in Ramadi.


The US killed three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike on a vehicle in Hadramout province. Yemeni tribesmen reportedly attacked Saudi troops along the border.