Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Taliban killed 20 Frontier Corps personnel and wounded 30 more in a suicide attack that targeted a military convoy in Bannu. Eight people were killed in an explosion at a bazaar near Army General Headquarters in Rawalpindi.


The Taliban killed three policemen and two soldiers in Sar-i-Pul, Kandahar, and Uruzgan, and three civilians in Helmand. The Taliban denounced the US’s offer of peace talks. President Karzai said the US must end airstrikes in Afghanistan before the Bilateral Security Agreement is signed.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed four policemen east of Tikrit and two more north of the city, seven civilians in Tuz, five Awakening fighters in Baqubah, and a civilian in Kirkuk. The government announced that it is going on the offensive to eject the ISIS from Ramadi.

Afghan Taliban reject US call for peace talks

Zabihullah Mujahid rejected the US’ call for the group to “put down their arms and begin peace talks,” a request that was made just one day after a Taliban suicide assault team killed 21 people, including two Americans, at a restaurant in Kabul.


A Taliban suicide assault team killed 21 people, including 13 foreigners, in an attack at a restaurant in Kabul yesterday. The Taliban said the suicide assault was carried out to avenge a raid in Parwan. The Taliban killed four border policemen in Khost, three soccer players in Kandahar, and an intelligence officer in Uruzgan. The […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed a soldier near Mosul and three civilians in Tikrit, and bombed two police stations in Fallujah. Abdullah al Janabi has retured to Fallujah. Security forces accidentally killed two civilians during shelling in Fallujah, and captured an ISIS leader in Kirkuk.


An Iranian diplomat was killed after resisting a kidnapping attempt in the capital of Sana’a. The military killed a pregnant woman and her two daughters during shelling in Dhale.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed an Awakening leader and his son in Tikrit, five Awakening fighters in a suicide attack in Ramadi, and a soldier in Mosul. Security forces killed two ISIS fighters as they attacked a military checkpoint north of Baghdad.


Five people were killed after tribesmen clashed with the military in Dhale province. Twenty civilians were reported to have been wounded in the fighting. The military killed civilians in the province in December 2012 while shelling an unknown target.

Al Qaeda

The real scandal – Why are the Benghazi killers still at large?


With Afghan drawdown ongoing, US to set up center in Bahrain to continue anti-drug efforts


Ten Taliban fighters, an ISAF soldier, and two civilians were killed after Afghan and Coalition forces targeted a Haqqani Network-linked Taliban commander in Parwan province. President Karzai claimed ISAF killed seven children during the Parwan clash. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Herat.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham executed 14 people after kidnapping them in Tarmiyah, killed three people in IED attacks in Baqubah, and killed two more people in bombings south of Baghdad. Security forces killed four ISIS fighters in Khalidiyah, three in Saqlawiya, and three more near Baghdad. The military accidentally killed six […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula sent a suicide assault team to attack Yemeni military bases in Rada’a in Al Baydah province. Ten Yemeni soldiers and one suicide bomber were killed in the attacks. AQAP overran one base and seized three armored personnel carriers.


One Taliban fighter and one policeman were killed during a clash in Sar-i-Pul. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in a firefight in the east. The Taliban are circulating a video of the only US soldier in their custody. The US inspector general said the counternarcotics effort is failing.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 52 people in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad and Baqubah. The ISIS also killed three policemen in Tikrit. Security forces killed an ISIS emir and an aide in Baqubah. Awakening fighters killed two suicide bombers and an ISIS fighter in Tikrit.


Security guards killed a suicide bomber in Kabul. Three Afghan Local Police officers were stabbed to death by the Taliban with the help of their colleagues. Seven of the 88 prisoners that the government wants to free from Bagram are involved in green-on-blue attacks. Twenty Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Baghlan.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed nine people, including three policemen, in Baghdad; two policemen and an Awakening fighter south of Baghdad; a judge and his driver north of the capital; four soldiers in Baiji; and a soldier in Ramadi. Security forces killed 21 ISIS fighters in Ramadi, six in Abu Ghraib, […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down a Yemeni army colonel in Hadramout province. A Salafist spokesman claimed that 210 people have been killed during fighting between his group and Shia Houthis.