Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


A suicide bomber killed two policemen and two soldiers in an attack in Ghazni. Government officials claimed 21 Taliban fighters were killed in Ghazni. The Taliban killed two soldiers in an IED attack in Helmand. The NDS said 15 members of a suicide attack cell were captured in Kandahar.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed four civilians in Baghdad, four policemen in Tikrit, a soldier and a policeman in Mosul, and an Awakening official in Baqubah. The military killed an ISIS military leader and nine fighters in Anbar, and three more fighters in Abu Ghraib. The Anbar tribal council said it […]


Security forces killed 17 Taliban fighters during raids throughout the country. The Taliban killed two soldiers in IED attacks in Helmand and Farah. Three civilians were wounded in two failed suicide attacks in Helmand.


The Islamic State of of Iraq and the Sham killed five soldiers and an Awakening leader in Arab Jabour, a soldier west of Mosul, a soldier in Anbar, and two civilians in Baqubah. Security forces killed three ISIS fighters in Mosul and two more in Al Qaim. The US will sell 24 Apache attack helicopters […]


Pakistani Army attack helicopters killed two people in strikes in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan. The Taliban killed four policemen in Tank, an Awami National Party leader and two people in Peshawar, and five policemen in Swat.


An Afghan Border Police officer killed five of his colleagues in an insider attack in Herat; the attacker joined the Taliban. The US military protested a release order for 37 prisoners to be freed from Bagram; the prisoners are directly involved in killing Coalition and Afghan security personnel.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham beheaded four policemen and an Awakening fighter after overrunning a police station near Tikrit, and launched a suicide assault in Saqlawiyah. The military killed eight civilians in artillery and helicopter strikes in Fallujah.


A suicide bomber killed two soldiers and two civilians, including a journalist, and wounded 22 more Afghans in an attack on a bus in Kabul. Teh Taliban claimed credit for the attack. The Taliban also killed six civilians in an IED attack in Helmand and two policemen in another bombing in Khost.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham captured five soldiers in Fallujah and killed three soldiers and four civilians in Kirkuk, three policemen in Qayyarah, a tribal sheikh in Mosul, and the head of the local council in Saadiya. Security forces killed three al Qaeda fighters in Ramadi.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters gunned down a senior security officer outside of his home in Hadramout. A Yemeni official claimed that an Iranian diplomat who was kidnapped in Sana’a in July 2013 was found beheaded in Marib; Iranian officials denied the report.


False claims in Afghan accusations on US raid add to doubts on Karzai


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed two policemen and two soldiers in Mosul, two policemen in Tikrit, and seven civilians in Tuz. Security forces killed two ISIS fighters in Ninewa near the Syrian border and another in Tikrit, and arrested an al Qaeda emir in Mosul. The military also killed six civilians […]


President Hamid Karzai said he would not sign a security deal with the US unless the US can start meaningful negotiations with the Taliban. “If the US is not willing to accept our conditions, they can leave anytime,” Karzai said. Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters in Farah. The Taliban gunned down a member of […]


The Taliban killed six policemen while seizing an outpost in Faryab. Yesterday, the Taliban killed five young men in a shooting at a volleyball match in Laghman province. A suicide bomber killed only himself while targeting a candidate for vice president.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed two soldiers south of Fallujah. Security forces killed two ISIS fighters near Mosul. The military accidentally killed four civilians in artillery strikes in Fallujah. The UN said that more than 140,000 civilians have fled the fighting in Anbar.


US drones killed four suspected al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in Marib province. The interior ministry said it foiled an AQAP attempt to take control of government building in Baydah province.


Six people, possibly jihadists, were killed in what is thought to have been the premature detonation of a car bomb in a garage in Peshawar. The government denied that it enlisted Sami ul Haq, “the father of the Taliban,” to negotiate a peace agreement with the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. The Foreign Office […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed four civilians in a bombing in Babil, an Awakening leader near Kirkuk, two policemen and a civilian south of Mosul, a policeman in Hit, a soldier in Abu Ghraib, and a civilian in Badush. Security forces killed two ISIS fighters in Khaladiyah, two more near the […]


Fourteen Taliban fighters died in a premature detonation in Helmand. A Taliban commander, a police officer, and a militiaman loyal to General Dostum were killed during clashs in Faryab. A video of an Afghan Member of Parliament from Parwan calling for jihad against the US has emerged.


Military officials claimed that 33 Uzbeks and three Germans were killed in yesterday’s airstrikes in North Waziristan. Six policemen and a child were killed in an attack that targeted the security detail for a polio vaccination team in Charsadda. Three members of a polio vaccination team were gunned down in Karachi. Seven tribal policemen were […]


Security forces killed an Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham leader east of Ramadi, 50 ISIS fighters in Anbar, 13 ISIS fighters west of Baghdad and two in Latafiyah, 10 south of Mosul, three near Samarra, and two more in Tikrit. The ISIS killed three soldiers and a policeman in Mosul.


The military killed more than 20 people in a series of airstrikes in the Mir Ali and Datta Khel areas of North Waziristan. A suicide bomber killed 22 people in an attack in Mastung in Baluchistan. Four people were killed in separate attacks on polio vaccination teams in Karachi and Mansehra.


Yesterday, a Taliban suicide assault team killed an ISAF soldier and two civilians in an attack on a base in Kandahar. Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters, including a leader in Ghazni, during raids throughout the country. The Taliban killed three civlians in an IED attack in Kandahar.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed five policemen in separate attacks and an intelligence officer in Mosul, and the Sunni Endowments communication director in Diyala, and kidnapped the advisor to the governor of Anbar. Security forces killed six ISIS fighters in Khalidiyah. Awakening leader Sheikh Ahmed Abu Risha said that anyone who […]


Salafists assassinated the Houthis’ chief negotiator in an attack in Sana’a. At least 12 people were killed as Houthis and Salafists clashed in Omran province. “Gunmen” assassinated a police chief in Taiz. President Hadi’s presidentcy has been extended by one year.