Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces killed a senior Taliban commander in Ghazni and three fighters in operations throughout the country. The National Directorate of Security captured two would-be Haqqani Network suicide bombers who were planning to attack presidential candidates in Kabul.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 23 people in four bombings in Baghdad. Two of the attacks used suicide bombers, and both occurred near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A suicide bomber killed seven policemen and three soldiers in Tikrit. The ISIS also killed a soldier in Sharqat and two more soldiers […]


Four Yemeni soldiers were killed and seven more were wounded after gunmen attacked a checkpoint outside of the vital Balhaf liquified natural gas facility in Shabwa province. A special forces commander was gunned down in Aden.

Al Qaeda

U.S. curtails drone strikes in Pakistan as officials there seek peace talks with Taliban


Old Tensions Resurface in Debate Over U.S. Role in Post-2014 Afghanistan

ISIS confirms death of senior leader in Syria

Abu Bakr al Iraqi, who is also known as Haji Bakr, served as a top lieutenant to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi and as the military commander for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham before he was killed in Syria earlier this year.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed four soldiers in two suicide attacks in Mosul, and three civilians in an IED attack in Qayyarah. Security forces killed an ISIS leader near Mosul, and have surrounded Fallujah and Karma.


Two people were killed in a bombing that targeted a military bus in Sana’a; 10 soldiers were wounded in the blast. Houthis and Salafists agreed to yet another ceasefire in the north.

Al Qaeda

Congressman: Obama’s drone war rules let terrorists go free


The military claimed that its forces and allied Awakening fighters killed 57 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Anbar, three more in Mosul, and an emir of the group in Baqubah. The ISIS killed 23 Iraqis in a series of car bombings in and around Baghdad.


The Taliban killed four policemen in Kandahar and four more in Farah, and two aides of presidential candidate Abdullah in Herat. President Karzai said that the US “worked against me” and that he has not talked to President Obama in seven months.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed three soldiers in Hawijah, two soldiers in Fallujah, and a policeman in Qayyarah. Security forces killed the ISIS’s emir for Sulaiman Pak and four associates, nine ISIS fighters in Thar Thar and Baghdad, and three more in Ramadi.


Three bombings near the Ministry of Defense, the central bank, and a home of former President Salih were reported. Gunfire was heard after the blasts. A German citizen was kidnapped and taken to Marib province.


Hamid Karzai: ‘I saw no good’ with America’s presence in Afghanistan


The military claimed it killed 40 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in the Fallujah area; and the ISIS’ deputy military commander for Ramadi, who was a Saudi, and two bodyguards in Albu Faraj. The ISIS killed a soldier in Mosul. The bodies of three men who were tortured and murdered were discovered […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed 15 soldiers in an ambush in the town of Shibam in Hadramout province. AQAP fighters also killed two policemen in an attack on a patrol in Al Baydah.


Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Helmand province. Two Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed in a pair of suicide attacks in Nangarhar. The US has halted funding for polling of the presidential election after the government accused the US of manipulating the results.


An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide assault team killed 17 Iraqis in an attack on the Transportation Ministry in Baghdad; the six suicide bombers were also killed. The ISIS also killed three Awakening fighters in Hawijah. The military killed 27 ISIS fighters in airstrikes in Anbar province.


Thirty-eight people were killed during clashes between Houthi rebels and pro-government tribes in Arhab and Omran provinces in northern Yemen. Two soldiers and two members of the southern separatist movement were killed during fighting in Daleh.