Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces killed six Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters, including a Saudi, near Ramadi, a “group” of ISIS fighters in Anbar, and a gunman in Mosul. The ISIS killed six soldiers in Jurf al Sakhr in and four Iraqis in Tuz Khurmatu.

Al Qaeda

US intel officials differ with Obama in view of al Qaeda


US Forces-Afghanistan condemned the Afghan government’s order to free 65 “dangerous individuals” from custody. “The primary weapon of choice for these individuals is the improvised explosive device,” the statement said. The Taliban killed four Afghan soldiers in IED attacks.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 15 soldiers, beheading eight of them, in an attack on a military barracks in Mosul. The ISIS also killed a policemen near Mosul and an Awakening fighter in Hawija and another in Tarmiyah. A suicide bomber attacked police and soldiers in Ramadi. Security forces killed 17 […]


The government transferred 29 wanted al Qaeda operatives to Saudi Arabia; all 29 operatives are said to be Saudi citizens. A presidential committee recommended that Yemen become a federal state with six autonomous regions.


The Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin claimed its suicide bomber killed two ISAF contractors in an attack in Kabul. An ISAF soldier was killed in a gunfight in eastern Afghanistan. The Afghan military said it killed 17 Taliban fighters and detained 16 more during operations nationwide.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda’s organization innovates from the bottom up


Twenty-two Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bombers and personnel were killed, 15 were wounded, and eight more were captured in a premature detonation near Samarra. An ISIS suicide bomber killed two policemen and two soldiers in Ramadi. The ISIS also killed a policeman in Hit and two guards for a judge in […]


The Taliban killed seven soldiers in an IED attack in Farah and wounded 11 people in a suicide bombing in Paktika. Control of the prison at Bagram has been transferred to Afghanistan’s Interior Ministry.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed six policemen in Tuz, two policemen and a civilian in Mosul, a soldier in Kirkuk, and a civilian in Baghdad. Security forces killed three ISIS fighters north of Fallujah and three more ISIS fighters in Ramadi.


A senior intelligence officer was killed in a bombing outside of the Oil Ministry in Sana’a; one report indicated that three people were killed. Houthi rebels and tribesmen in Arhab signed yet another peace agreement.


UNAMA said civilian casualties have increased by 14%; ISAF said that the Taliban are responsible for 90% of the civilian casualties. The incoming commander for ISAF Joint Command said that securing the elections is the number one priority. The Taliban killed one person in a bombing in Jalalabad.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed five civilians and a policeman in Tuz, three policemen in Sharqat, a soldier in Mosul, and an Army officer in Hillah. Security forces killed nine ISIS fighters north of Fallujah, three more north of Maghdad, and a suicide bomber in Mosul.


Security forces killed seven Islamic State of Iraq fighters in Fallujah, six ISIS fighters in Karmah, and two more in Mosul, and four suicide bombers in Ramadi. A suicide bomber killed four people at a market in Al Tawz. The ISIS killed a policeman and a civilian in Sadr City and two clerics south of […]


Security forces killed three Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Jurf al-Sakhar and two more in Mosul, and arrested two security officials tied to the ISIS. The ISIS killed a policeman in Baqubah and a solider near Mosul. “Gunmen” kidnapped the director of a hospital in Baqubah and two oil tanker drivers […]