Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed several soldiers and policemen in Khaladiyah, and three soldiers north of Fallujah. Security forces killed seven “terrorists” in Babil and a “gunman” in Saadiyah.


A Shabaab suicide assault team stormed the presidential palace in Mogadishu. Two government officials, several Somali soldiers, and 10 Shabaab fighters were killed during the assault. Ethiopian troops clashed with Shabaab fighters in Luuq.


France, Germany to send joint military force to Mali


A jihadist group calling itself the”Martyrs Brigades” announced its formation and that of the “Brigade of Hamza Abu Shartila”; the group flies al Qaeda’s flag in its logo. A former leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group was among 11 people killed in a plane crash in Tunisia.


A suicide bomber killed two civilians at a cultural center in Kabul. Yesterday, a suicide bomber targeted presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah. Pakistan claimed that the 23 Frontier Corps personnel who were executed by the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan were killed inside Afghanistan.


Security forces killed 20 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Sulaiman Bek, 12 fighters in Babil, seven more in Ramadi, five ISIS operatives, including the governors of Mosul and Ninewa, and two “gunmen” in Mosul. The ISIS killed 16 civilians in Musayiab, three soldiers in Fallujah, a soldier in Ramadi, another soldier […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is thought to have gunned down a Salafist cleric in Hadramout who has been critical of the terror group. Human Rights Watch released a report stating that a drone strike in Rada’a in December 2013 targeted a wedding party and all 12 people killed were likely civilians.


US seeks prisoner swap with Taliban to free Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 11 civilians in Baghdad and two more in Qayyarah, three soldiers in Kirkuk, two soldiers in Miqdadiyah, two Awakening fighters in Taza, a policeman in Baghdad, and a policeman near Mosul. An ISIS suicide bomber killed three policemen in Ramadi. Security forces killed 10 ISIS fighters […]


Security forces recaptured Mohammed Ali al Awami, one of 29 prisoners, including 19 al Qaeda operatives, who were freed during last week’s prison break. AQAP launched a complex suicide assault on the central prison in Sana’a to to free the inmates.


Security forces killed 12 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Ramadi, four more fighters in Baghdad, and the group’s military commander for Ramadi and the emir for Sulaiman Beg. The ISIS killed two policemen near Ramadi, a government official in Ninewa, and a policeman in Mosul. An official said that security forces […]


The military said it killed 45 Taliban fighters in Nangarhar and nine more fighters in Kunar. A suicide bomber killed six people in Kunduz. The Taliban claimed it shot down a US helicopter in Kandahar.


An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bomber killed two civilians south of Mosul. The ISIS also killed three policemen and beheaded them near Mosul, and killed a lawyer near Baghdad. Prime Minister Maliki visited Anbar and promised support to the Awakening.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham overran most of Sulaiman Pek; the military said it killed 10 ISIS fighters while retaking control of the town. An ISIS suicide bomber killed seven soldiers in Saqlawiyah. The ISIS also killed 11 soldiers near Hillah, a policeman in Tuz and another in Kirkuk, and two civilians […]


Security forces killed six Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Khaladiyah, two in Karma, an ISIS commander for Mosul, three fighters east of Mosul, and three more in Qayyarah. The ISIS killed a regiment commander in Kirkuk, a soldier and an Awakening fighter in Hawijah, three soldiers in Ramadi, a policemen and […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula assaulted the central prison in Sana’a in a complex attack, killing seven guards and freeing 29 prisoners, including 19 AQAP fighters. Some of the AQAP fighters who have been freed were on death row. A British teacher was kidnapped in Sana’a.


Two men wearing Afghan military uniforms killed two ISAF soldiers in Kapisa. Security forces killed 19 Taliban fighters in Nangarhar. The Taliban have established training camps in southern Helmand. The US added the owner of a hawala to its list of terrorist kingpins for supporting the Taliban.