Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed six women and a child in Baladruz, and four policemen and two soldiers in Ramadi. The military killed seven ISIS fighters near Ramadi and a “terrorist” in Ninewa. The UN estimated that 704 Iraqis were killed in February.


An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bomber killed the head of the Awakening in Haditha and six of his fighters. The ISIS also killed three policemen in Mosul and three civilians in Khalis. Security forces killed 15 ISIS fighters in Ramadi.


Twenty-four people are reported to have been killed during clashes between Salafists and Yemeni troops on one side, and Shia Houthi rebels on the other. The fighting took place in Hizm, the provincial capital of Jawf.


The military claimed it killed 50 Taliban fighters in Nangarhar over the past five days. The Taliban killed three Turkmen border guards, and an Afghan intelligence officer in Helmand. NATO defense ministers said they are prepared to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 53 people in bombings in and around Baghdad; 42 of them died in a motorcycle bombing at a market in Baghdad’s Sadr City. Security forces killed seven ISIS “snipers” in Karmah, 10 ISIS fighters near Kirkuk, four jihadists near the Syrian border, and three “gunmen” in […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down a general in intelligence in Mukallah, the capital of Hadramout. The UN Security Council approved sanctions against those who prevent the political transition in Yemen; no one has been named to the list, however.


The military said it killed 30 “militants” in a series of airstrikes that targeted Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan hideouts in North Waziristan. The Taliban said it would not agree to an unconditional ceasefire with the government. The Taliban also confirmed the death of Asmatullah Shaheen Bhittani.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed 10 people in an attack on a hotel in Uruzgan. The Taliban also killed three Afghans in Helmand. President Obama warned Afghan president Hamid Karzai that the US is prepared to withdraw all troops at the end of 2014 if the Bilateral Security Agreement is not signed.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed four Awakening fighters in Al Mashahda, an army colonel and three policemen in Babil, four policemen in Mosul, three soldiers in Ramadi, and five civilians in Baghdad. Security forces killed an ISIS leader and an aide near Baqubah, and three more ISIS fighters in Ramadi.


Hospital officials said that 722 people have been killed during military shelling of Fallujah since the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham and allied tribes took control of the city. Security forces killed 16 ISIS fighters in Fallujah and nine “militants” north of Baqubah. Iraq will purchase $195 in weapons from Iran in violation […]


The Taliban killed 20 Afghan soldiers and captured eight more after overrunning a military outpost in Kunar province. The attack may have been facilitated by Afghan soldiers sympathetic to the Taliban. The government denied that the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan executed 23 Pakistani Frontier Corps troops inside Afghanistan.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 26 oil protection policemen south of Mosul, two policemen in Mosul, and a policeman in Madain. An ISIS suicide bomber targeted a police checkpoint in Anbar. Security forces killed 25 ISIS fighters in Anbar and 12 insurgents in Jurf al Sakhar. The military killed five civilians […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down a colonel in military intelligence in the town of Ataq in Shabwa province. “Gunmen” kidnapped a female Czech doctor in Sana’a, but then released her shortly afterward.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham briefly took control of the town of Sainiyah and killed four policemen and two Awakening fighters. The ISIS shot down a helicopter and killed four crewmen in Karma; and killed five soldiers in a suicide attack near Ramadi; a regiment commander and three soldiers near Baqubah; and […]


A terror warning for international flights was issued by the Department of Homeland Security due to intercepted communications from Ibrahim al Asiri, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s master bomb maker. The UN is considering targeted sanctions against former president Saleh and his deputy for disrupting Yemen’s political process.


A Taliban suicide assault team killed two policemen in an attack on a police headquarters in Kabul province. Five civilians and a Taliban fighter were killed in clashes in Helmand. The US warned its citizens not to travel to Afghanistan.