Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.

ISIS parades on outskirts of Baghdad

Hundreds of Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters paraded their vehicles, which included captured Iraqi military trucks and an artillery piece, through the streets of Abu Ghraib and Fallujah.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed two members of the Popular Resistance Committees in an ambush on a road north of Zinjibar in Abyan province. The Popular Resistance Committees is a tribal militia that helps the government fight AQAP.


Five Taliban fighters and two civilians were killed in a Taliban suicide assault on the guest house of an American charity in Kabul. The Taliban killed five civilians in an IED attack in Helmand. The NDS broke up a suicide attack in Jawzjan.


Forty-four soldiers and four insurgents are reported to have been killed during clashes in and around Fallujah. Security forces killed two “gunmen” in Latifiyah. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham bombed two bridges near Ramadi and Haditha.


Two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives and two soldiers were killed when the military raided a safe house in Dalea province. The AQAP operatives were plotting attacks before security forces conducted the raid.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 26 people in a series of bombings in Baghdad, and killed two soldiers in Karma and a policeman in Tikrit. Security forces killed 13 ISIS fighters in airstrikes in Al Qaim and a military emir south of Fallujah.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed five civilians in Bayji, two soldiers in Mosul, and a policeman in Muqdadiyah. Security forces killed six “terrorists” in Baghdad, four “gunmen” in Saqlawiyah, and an ISIS military commander south of Fallujah.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 29 people, including six soldiers and three civilians in a suicide attack in Baghdad, and eight soldiers in an assault in Tarmiyah. Seven ISIS fighters in Baghdad died in a premature detonation. Iraqi forces killed al Qaeda’s security advisor for Samarra and two “gunmen” in Bayji. […]


Security forces freed two Westerners, including a diplomat for the United Nations, shortly after they were kidnapped in Sana’a. The US military may provide the Yemeni military with 10 airplanes to be used to target al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.


The National Directorate of Security accused Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate of plotting last week’s armed attack on the Serena hotel in Kabul. Security forces killed 14 Taliban fighters during operations in Nangarhar, Paktika, Zabul, and Farah provinces. A suicide bomber wounded two Afghan Local Police officers in an attack in Farah.


Security forces killed 21 “insurgents” in Buhriz and five Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Mosul. The ISIS killed four soldiers, two policemen, three civilians, and a university security guard in Mosul; and three Awakening members in Kirkuk.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters gunned down 20 Yemeni soldiers and wounded another soldier at a checkpoint in Hadramout province. The AQAP fighters overran the checkpoint as the soldiers slept.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed five policemen and two civilians in a double IED attack in Tikrit. Yesterday, the ISIS killed 29 people in a series of attacks throughout the country. In one of those attacks, a suicide bomber killed six policemen at a funeral for another officer in Ramadi. Eight […]


At least 12 people were killed as Yemeni military forces clashed with Shia Houthi rebels near Amran. Yemeni tribesmen bombed a pipeline in Marib, halting oil exports.


Security forces killed 21 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in the Hamrin Mountains over the past several weeks, eight in Baghdad , and five more in Babil. More than 37 people were killed during fighting and attacks in Baghdad, Fallujah, and areas north of the capital.


A suicide bomber killed 16 people in an attack in the middle of a crowd in Maimama, the capital of Faryab province. The suicide bomber apparently was going to attack a bank. A senior Taliban commander in Zabul reconciled with the government.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 15 people in a series of bombings in Baghdad, Hafriyah, Hillah, and Karbala. The ISIS also killed four soldiers in Ramadi, three soldiers in Karma, and two policemen in Mosul. Security forces killed an ISIS recruiting chief and a bodyguard in Ramadi, and a “gunman” in […]


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed one soldier in an attack on a military intelligence headquarters in Lahj province. President Hadi appointed a new leader to command Yemen’s special forces, which leads the hunt for AQAP commanders and fighters.