Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


An Afghan policeman gunned down three Americans at a hospital in Kabul. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters, including several Pakistanis, in Ghazni. The Taliban killed a child in a bombing in Zabul.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took control of a hospital and two medical centers in Azzan after US and Yemeni airstrikes targeted the group over the weekend. A foreigner killed two kidnappers in Sana’a.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed more than 30 Iraqis in a series of bombings and attacks across the country. In Suwayrah, a suicide bomber killed five policemen and seven civilians at a checkpoint. And in Madaina a suicide car bomber killed three soldiers and two civilians at a checkpoint.


The US killed more than 30 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a pair of drone strikes yesterday and today. AQAP bomb maker Ibrahim al Asiri was targeted in one strike, and a training camp in another. AQAP warned tribes in Azzan not to join the anti-al Qaeda Popular Committees.


Two prison guards and one Taliban fighter were killed in a jailbreak in Faryab that freed at least two prisoners. Six Taliban fighters and a commander, and two soldiers were killed in a military operation in Laghman. A US soldier who was wounded last weekend during fighting in Logar has died of his injuries.


The military claimed to have killed 20 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters east of Fallujah. Ten Iraqi soldiers and eight ISIS fighters were killed during a suicide assault on base in Mosul. The ISIS also killed nine people in a car bombing in Baghdad.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed four Yemeni soldiers and an officer in an attack on an outpost near an oil field in the Al Wadi district in Hadramout province. A US judge dismissed a lawsuit involving the US drone strikes that killed Americans Anwar al Awlaki, his son, and Samir Khan.


A Taliban suicide bomber dressed in a military uniform killed six policemen in an attack at the Interior Ministry in Kabul. Afghan officials claimed that a Taliban suicide bomber killed 15 Taliban commanders in Ghazni. The Taliban claimed it has the plans for election security.


An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bomber killed five Army recruits as they were lined up outside of a military base in the town of Riyadh. The ISIS killed five soldiers southwest of Kirkuk, two policemen in Mosul, two Awakening fighters in Ramadi, a policeman in Ramadi, and another policeman in Hit. […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed six soldiers and two civilians in a suicide assault on the headquarters of the 4th Division headquarters in Aden. Three AQAP fighters were also killed. AQAP announced the formation of Ansar al Shariah in the Central Regions; the group’s purpose is to combat the Shiite Houthi rebels based […]


The US killed three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike on a training camp in Abyan. Two AQAP fighters and a soldier were killed during a clash in Damar. Gunmen killed two policemen in Daleh.